Required version: XFileSharingPro >= 2.5 with WebDrive mod enabled
Microsoft Windows
1. Go to My Computer
2. Right-click on 'Network' icon in the left pane and select "Map network drive"
3. Enter "" (where "" correponds to your XFileSharing domain) and click "Finish"
4. Enter XFileSharing login & pass
Mac OS X
1. In the Finder, choose Go > Connect to Server
2. Enter the WebDrive URL "" (where "" correponds to your XFileSharing domain), then click "Connect"
3. Enter XFileSharing login & pass
Linux (Ubuntu)
1. In the file manager, click Files in the menu bar and pick Connect to Server from the app menu.
2. Enter "" (where "" correponds to your XFileSharing domain), then click "Connect".
3. Enter XFileSharing login & pass