Due to it's distributed architecture, XFileSharing needs an ability to request http://<your_domain>/cgi-bin/fs.cgi after upload even if both main and file servers are located in the same place. A failure to abide that leads to blank window appearing prior to 2.1, and a "failed while requesting fs.cgi" error since 2.2.
Accordingly to our experience, the most common reasons that are causing that are:
1. One of your file server(s) is not able to resolve your site's domain properly. This issue is commonly found in the case when both main and file servers are located on the same server, or all of your servers are located in the same datacenter. In that case, you'll need to login with SSH on each of your file servers and ensure that domain name is resolving properly with ping.
2. Something is wrong with fs.cgi. In that case you'll most likely receive an Internal Server Error (not 111!) when accessing http://<your_site>/cgi-bin/fs.cgi in your browser, and the way for resolving this issue is the same as described in� http://support.sibsoft.net/knowledge_base.php?article_id=68.