Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base / XFilemirror

How To: Increase the amount of characters in 'file-names'

06/25/2012 07:51 PM


Please back-up your file BEFORE making changes.
Login to your server and find this file "index.cgi".   Open that file and look for this line of code:
$file->{sfilename}=~s/^(.{15}).+?(.{15})$/$1...$2/ if length($file->{sfilename})>30;

Where 30 is the maximum size and 15 is how many characters before & after "..."
For example, if you want 40 characters, your final code should look like this
$file->{sfilename}=~s/^(.{20}).+?(.{20})$/$1...$2/ if length($file->{sfilename})>40;
At this point, you should you should save changes and re-upload the modified file, you should be able to see your filenames change with longer characters.

Having problems ?
If you experience problems please ensure the following is correct:
- File permission must be "755"  (this is required by CGI)
- If you have "suexec" installed on your server, please disable it.  It is not required for this script.

Need Support?
If you're still having problems again, please re-upload the ORIGINAL copy of "index.cgi"  and contact support for more assistance.