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Knowledge Base / XFilesharing Pro / Performance tuning

Offloading file servers by using the power of P2P technologies

01/17/2016 09:49 AM


XFileSharing implements the BEP-19 (client-based web seed) specification of BitTorrent protocol which was specifically designed in order to help the web sites which are getting hammered by traffic coming from the popular files. By using this technique it's possible to deal with much more traffic than your server(s) can handle with almost no costs. The key idea is that your users will be fetching most of data from the users who have already downloaded this file rather than creating load on your file servers.

Here is an instruction of setting up Webseed on XFileSharing. You'll need as least the version 2.3. and the recent torrent mod.

1. Check that you have tracker.cgi which is coming with mod_torrent installed in your main server's cgi-bin
2. Ensure that you have the torrent engine installed and enabled for the file servers that you want to upload
3. Go to admin_settings -> Users Limits and set 'Fallback to Bittorrent after XX downloads' to some reasonal value like '100' (or, what is even better, go to ?op=admin_files and find out how much downloads / traffic are your most popular files getting).