XFileSharing Pro file sharing script

The first and the best file hosting script

Latest version: 4.0
Release date: July 2024

XFileSharing: Rewards mod

With this mod you can set up different points per download depending on Filesize and Country of downloader. So low-profile countries downloads can earn much less points since they generate less profit for your site.

Also it's possible to limit max points generated by same IP during 24 hours interval so it will be impossible to earn much using automated downloaders.

This mod is also enables ability to toggle Premium Only flag on selected files, so they can be download by premium users only.

Mod settings:

With this mod you can also offer your users 3 earning plans:
  • PPD - Pay per download
  • PPS - Pay per sale
  • Mixed - both, downloads and sales.

Paypal subscriptions will be affected as well.

Admin interface:

User interface: