XVideosharing video hosting script

High performance video streaming site solution

Latest version: 2.3
Release date: Sep 2024


Can be activated with license key or installed by yourself

Video Encoding mods

Encode 2 Extra video qualities! HD and Mobile qualities will be created

Watermark your videos with text / running text / fading logo image

Encode single preview video from multiple chunks of original video.

Encode video with multiple language audio tracks. Select language in player.


Solve your users issues using in-site tickets

Upload mods

Allow users to upload files via FTP. Upload resume supported!

Using this mod you are able to leech and seed torrents on your server.

Instantly clone multiple files to your account. No time waste with reuploading anymore!

Video Streaming mods

Advanced streaming technology working on iOS / Android

Broadcast and record your live streams

Images mods

Create video screenlist images for uploaded videos

Preview snapshots of video directly when moving mouse over time seek bar

Let you or your users to choose exact snapshot from their videos

Users mods

With this mod you will be able to accept payments directly on your site using many popular payment gateways.

Track your most powerful webmasters stats on one page

Special users able to create and resell premium keys so you can earn even much from your site!

Your users can now Register/Login in 2 clicks through Facebook/Twitter/Google+/VK

You can choose special users that will handle management stuff taking your time

Now your users can earn extra profit posting links on their websites


Delete / rename reported files smarter

Video Player mods

Users can use their your own domains for video / embed pages URLs

Shorten and Hide your download links


Enable custom SRT/VTT subtitles

NGINX Security rules working on file servers directly.

Detect AdBlock and Developer Console

In-player video Ads

Custom user JS Ads

Performance mods

Automatically transfer not popular files to your big storage servers to save place on your production fast network servers

Cache most used SQL queries to speedup your site


FastCGI will be used to serve download pages, up to 20X performance gain.


Remote API mod

Image Proxy mod

IP Blocker mod