XVideosharing video hosting script Live Streaming mod

High performance video streaming site solution

Latest version: 2.3
Release date: Sep 2024

XVideoSharing: Live Streaming mod

This mod allows you to make your own stream similar to Youtube Live or Twitch service! Just no DMCA and censorship limits!

You can use your favorite desktop streaming software to and send RTMP stream to your own servers. They will encode lower quality sub-streams if required and re-stream your video using HLS streaming that is working in all browsers / Android / iOS devices.

You can use multiple servers for Streaming, so you can handle many different streams and really big traffic.

Live Streaming settings

After video stream ends script is able to save your full video and import to My Videos, so it will be encoded and will be available as regular uploaded video.

Stream details

Our tech able to make snapshot of your live video every 10 seconds, so your streams will always have actual thumbnail.

Live Stream player

It is also possible to re-stream RMTP stream or .TS playlist from other servers with some custom modifications.

Sample streaming config for XSplit desktop software:
XSplit RTMP settings
XSplit RTMP settings 2