XVideoSharing: Memcached mod
When your site get popular you can face some overload problems even on a high-end server.
Memcached mod will help you to drop database load a lot. It caches popular DB queries for 30 seconds, so often-used requests won't hit the database anymore.
We're caching these kinds of queries:
- Sessions check
- Folders list
- My Files statistics
- Categories list
- Searches
- Servers list
- Single File records
- More Files lists
- File tags list
- File votes
You can check current memcached stats and flush all cached from admin area.
Installation instructions:
1) Install memcached daemon & required Perl modules:
yum install memcached perl-Cache-Memcached perl-Digest-SHA1
2) Start daemon and add it to autostart:
/etc/init.d/memcached start
echo "/etc/init.d/memcached start" >> /etc/rc.local
You can change memcached max connections / max size limits in it's config: