XVideosharing video hosting script Social mod

High performance video streaming site solution

Latest version: 2.3
Release date: Sep 2024

XVideoSharing: Social Login mod

Let your users register / login via Facebook / Twitter / VK.com sites.

This is much faster way of authorization. No captcha or email verification required. No need to remember login/password used for site.
Social Login mod settings

Installation instructions

You will need to generate App ID / Secret Key for application on social sites:

Facebook keys creation

Follow this link and click "Create New App" button.
Then enter your details similar to screenshots below:
XVideoSharing facebook integration
XVideoSharing facebook integration
XVideoSharing facebook integration

Twitter keys creation

Create application using this link
XVideoSharing twitter integration
Also enable "Sign in with Twitter" checkbox in Settings tab:

On server you most likely will need to install special perl modules from ssh root console:
perl -MCPAN -eshell
install Net::OAuth
install Net::Twitter::Lite

VK.com keys creation

Create application using this link
XVideoSharing vkontakte integration
XVideoSharing vkontakte integration

Google+ client ID creation

Follow these instructions to create project and get Client ID.