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by loic d
Aug 16, 2007 3:33 pm
Forum: XUpload
Topic: Multiple param files or dynamically pass parameters ?
Replies: 4
Views: 4355

Next step of my adventures, might be useful for someone, who knows ? : First, I've modified the script my $url_post = $c->{url_post} || $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} ; with my $url_post = $c->{url_post} || $cg->param('url_post') || $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} ; This allows to use a form field "url_post" to re...
by loic d
Aug 16, 2007 8:13 am
Forum: XUpload
Topic: Multiple param files or dynamically pass parameters ?
Replies: 4
Views: 4355

Thanks, Yes, I saw the xmode parameter in both the forms and the config files, but this can't be a reliable solution for me. Technically this could do the trick but in term of maintenance this could lead to many problems. Multiply our upload types by our clients and by our supported languages and yo...
by loic d
Aug 14, 2007 5:21 pm
Forum: XUpload
Topic: Multiple param files or dynamically pass parameters ?
Replies: 4
Views: 4355

Multiple param files or dynamically pass parameters ?

Hi, Congratulations for your work, it's pretty awesome ! Let me drop a quick explanation first : My company is hosting several websites, dedicated to audiovisual archive managment. Each site has specific directories, design, etc, though they share the same core (PHP libs, upload components, etc). Ob...