Search found 19 matches

by Rocket_Man
Aug 12, 2008 10:56 am
Forum: XFileSharing Pro
Topic: [Solved] Can't locate object method "getLang"
Replies: 5
Views: 6125

Doh! *hammering head against screen*

I learn something every day :D

Thank you again! :)
by Rocket_Man
Aug 11, 2008 7:26 pm
Forum: XFileSharing Pro
Topic: [Solved] Can't locate object method "getLang"
Replies: 5
Views: 6125

New (old) small "annoying" thing --> Special charactors (still) show up as strange ��� from my adjusted Danish language. Strange thing is, that when choosing German all spacial charactors show up OK in German. Do you have a hint on what to try? I have with previous version been forced to u...
by Rocket_Man
Aug 11, 2008 1:47 pm
Forum: XFileSharing Pro
Topic: [Solved] Can't locate object method "getLang"
Replies: 5
Views: 6125

Thank you my friend. It works :)

Didn't notice that line myself but it was obvious now you tell ;)

I don't mind to share my work with lang-file. Guess we all can benefit from translations to many languages. Will send you when done.
by Rocket_Man
Aug 10, 2008 9:45 pm
Forum: XFileSharing Pro
Topic: [Solved] Can't locate object method "getLang"
Replies: 5
Views: 6125

[Solved] Can't locate object method "getLang"

I follow the four steps in instructions for Multilanguage Support and get the following error, when choosing my new language. Software error: Can't locate object method "getLang" via package "danish" (perhaps you forgot to load "danish"?) at Modules/ line 58. ...
by Rocket_Man
Jul 01, 2008 11:07 pm
Forum: XFileSharing Pro
Topic: When is next release 1.2?
Replies: 2
Views: 4433

Thank you for fast answer, Pilgrim. This sounds very good. I am very happy, you work hard on this project. A very biiiig plus compared to other projects out there. Looking forward to a certain new feature ;)
by Rocket_Man
Jul 01, 2008 11:36 am
Forum: XFileSharing Pro
Topic: When is next release 1.2?
Replies: 2
Views: 4433

When is next release 1.2?

Just a little curious here. When is next update coming? Any plans? :)
by Rocket_Man
Jun 30, 2008 1:37 am
Forum: XFileSharing Pro
Topic: Generating a License?
Replies: 8
Views: 8050

This is from memory --> I think I received a clientID in my welcome mail from SibSoft. This was used in where the License details are obtainable. I think I put in domain and got the license. If you can't do this I think you should contact Sibsoft directly with y...
by Rocket_Man
Jun 26, 2008 11:21 pm
Forum: XFileSharing Pro
Topic: [Feature Request] remote upload form like they have at RS :)
Replies: 3
Views: 5138

That would be brilliant. Thank you for listening and considering :)
by Rocket_Man
Jun 26, 2008 10:49 am
Forum: XFileSharing Pro
Topic: [Feature Request] remote upload form like they have at RS :)
Replies: 3
Views: 5138

Now we have this:

I want this:
by Rocket_Man
Jun 26, 2008 10:37 am
Forum: XFileSharing Pro
Topic: [Feature Request] remote upload form like they have at RS :)
Replies: 3
Views: 5138

[Feature Request] remote upload form like they have at RS :)

Hi, With Rapidshare you can copy+paste 50 jobs (50 lines!) for remote uploads from one textfile in one operation into one box. With XFS Pro you can copy+paste only ONE job on each line. (I know you can adjust the number of lines, but this is not what I am talking about). You should make it possible ...
by Rocket_Man
Jun 24, 2008 12:01 pm
Forum: XFileSharing Pro
Topic: How change default charset ?
Replies: 3
Views: 6442

Re: How change default charset ?

Next release of xfileshring will have multilagunage support and charset will be option in config or site settings. Looking forward to this. The META tag solution you mention doesn't work @ my site/script. You would expect it to work. I'm currently forced to use unicode numerical character reference...
by Rocket_Man
Jun 10, 2008 8:17 pm
Forum: XFileSharing Pro
Topic: Main page code
Replies: 5
Views: 5687

Hello my friend. I don't understand. What is your problem?
by Rocket_Man
Jun 06, 2008 6:41 pm
Forum: XFileSharing Pro
Topic: [question] How to change default charset?
Replies: 2
Views: 3231

[question] How to change default charset?

Default charset seems to be UTF-8. I need this changed to iso-8859-1.

I have tried modifying in main.html in the headers as I normally would.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
But no luck.

Anybody know how I can change charset?
by Rocket_Man
Jun 06, 2008 1:45 pm
Forum: XFileSharing Pro
Topic: [QUESTION] Possible to change Max bandwidth, hour -> day
Replies: 7
Views: 7278

PilgrimX182 wrote:[..]Now not sure if I should remove that current feature when after download we calculate next time when you can download next file, so you see "Wait 12 minutes till next download".
What do you think?
Please keep this feature.
by Rocket_Man
May 30, 2008 10:27 pm
Forum: XFileSharing Pro
Topic: [QUESTION] Possible to change Max bandwidth, hour -> day
Replies: 7
Views: 7278

Brilliant my friend. Thank you for info.

It is good to know your are working with development of the script.

Going to invest in it ;)