Haw can I add 404.html page?
I know that there is a 404 page, but most of websites owners where I post my links do not allow my site because there is no 404.html in url.
This is exactly what I mean: http://........com/404.html
I have contacted support regarding this matter, but wouldn't reply.
XFileSharing Pro - 404 page
- Posts: 521
- Joined: Dec 19, 2009 5:12 pm
use this code if you want to rewrite the 404 error to a file (browser side) instead the 404 page (server side)
add the code to your htacces file
if the requested url is not a directory , rewrite
if the requested url is not a file , rewrite
where to rewrite it to ??
hopely this can help you
Greetings From PowerChaos
Code: Select all
RewriteEngine On
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /404.php [L]
Code: Select all
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !-d
Code: Select all
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !-f
Code: Select all
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /404.php [L]
hopely this can help you
Greetings From PowerChaos
- Posts: 521
- Joined: Dec 19, 2009 5:12 pm
seems that the 404 get generated with api.cgi
make backups before starting to edit this file (can go badly wrong :S)
open that file (api.cgi) and search for
and you will see this code below to
i am not sure what to put in there , but those 2 are generating your htacces file + error 404 redirection
if you can alter it a bit and make it go to your url instead , then that would solve your problem , but i wont suggest to start messing with it if you are not sure ( or spend some time with it to learn it )
i am not able to help you with that as i know nothing of cgi (i just mess around and learn with messing around .. best way to learn )
but like komi says , the 404 page is just located on root
in my case is it located here
hopely this could help you a lot more ??
the other thing you can try (make backup , can do GREAT damage) is to remove that 404 error line and put the code of me in it
so you wont have a dublicated lines (those 404 that get written in it )
anyway , hopely this can help you to find your solution
Greetings From PowerChaos
make backups before starting to edit this file (can go badly wrong :S)
open that file (api.cgi) and search for
Code: Select all
$conf=~s/ErrorDocument 404 .+/"ErrorDocument 404 $cc->{site_url}\/404.html"/e;
Code: Select all
print FILE qq[RewriteEngine on\nRewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !^$ip\nRewriteRule ^.*\$ "$c->{site_url}/404.html?$c->{site_url}/$f->{file_code1}/$file_name.html"];
if you can alter it a bit and make it go to your url instead , then that would solve your problem , but i wont suggest to start messing with it if you are not sure ( or spend some time with it to learn it )
i am not able to help you with that as i know nothing of cgi (i just mess around and learn with messing around .. best way to learn )
but like komi says , the 404 page is just located on root
in my case is it located here
hopely this could help you a lot more ??
the other thing you can try (make backup , can do GREAT damage) is to remove that 404 error line and put the code of me in it
so you wont have a dublicated lines (those 404 that get written in it )
anyway , hopely this can help you to find your solution
Greetings From PowerChaos
I'm not going to mess with coding while I'm nt sure what I'm doing, that's why I contanceted support regarding this matter but they wouldn't reply.
Support here is very unprofessional. Getting all that money for script and all the mods you could meka a bit more professional approach to you customers.
Support here is very unprofessional. Getting all that money for script and all the mods you could meka a bit more professional approach to you customers.
- Posts: 521
- Joined: Dec 19, 2009 5:12 pm
it takes sometimes long to get a reply
but if they reply then you got mostly a solution
sometimes they are fast , other times they are slow , depends on what problem you have
to provide a example
if you got a small error or need a edit solution then they can be slow
but if you got a script that is refusing to work (like torrent mod) then they are not that slow
so it depends what priority it have and for what reason (from own experiance)
to get back ontopic
i would do the same , the other thing you can do (will give a 404 page ) is fixing the headers and put a 404 not found header in it
on that way it will show you a 404 page with headers instead a normal other webpage
maybe you can get it working on that way instead messing with the script to get it redirected to a differend kind of 404 page when it is basicly the same
Greetings From PowerChaos
but if they reply then you got mostly a solution
sometimes they are fast , other times they are slow , depends on what problem you have
to provide a example
if you got a small error or need a edit solution then they can be slow
but if you got a script that is refusing to work (like torrent mod) then they are not that slow
so it depends what priority it have and for what reason (from own experiance)
to get back ontopic
i would do the same , the other thing you can do (will give a 404 page ) is fixing the headers and put a 404 not found header in it
on that way it will show you a 404 page with headers instead a normal other webpage
maybe you can get it working on that way instead messing with the script to get it redirected to a differend kind of 404 page when it is basicly the same
Greetings From PowerChaos
I can understan that sometime it can take sometime to reply on the forums, but there is no excuse for not replying on support tickets. That's unprofessional.
To get back on topic
I don't quite understand what you mean by "fixing the headers". How can I fix the headers and put 404 not found?
I case you didn't get what I want, I'll give an axample.
Loombo is one of the bigest sites on the net using the same script, and they had the same problem, most of the site owners where users post links do not allow sharing sites without 404.html page, this is what I mean: http://www.loombo.com/no_file.html
So, can the admin reply to this post, because he's already been dealing with it many times, and he's aware of how importand this is to every user of this script.
To get back on topic
I don't quite understand what you mean by "fixing the headers". How can I fix the headers and put 404 not found?
I case you didn't get what I want, I'll give an axample.
Loombo is one of the bigest sites on the net using the same script, and they had the same problem, most of the site owners where users post links do not allow sharing sites without 404.html page, this is what I mean: http://www.loombo.com/no_file.html
So, can the admin reply to this post, because he's already been dealing with it many times, and he's aware of how importand this is to every user of this script.
- Posts: 521
- Joined: Dec 19, 2009 5:12 pm
well , thats a easy solution
you mean like this error page
it is realy easy to do that
go to 404.html , open that file
just past your template in it (vieuw source code of your index script)
and you got yourself a build in template
only in your case , put it in no_file.html (cgi folder , template)
then it will remove that link that says , file not found , return back to main page
it is basic html and has nothing to do with htacces
and it is not a 404 error , as it is a simple html page
404 means file not found , but 404 does not reffer back to a file , it get server side loaded
the file not found means that it can not be found back in the database , it is sended by the script to that location and has nothing to do with a 404 error (it is just a file not found page , not a 404 page)
hard to explain , to explain it easy
you want to have a template around the file not found (after invalid DOWNLOAD link) page
you want to have a custom 404 error page ? ( non existing url )
so far i saw the example , just copy the source of your template (right click .. ) and put it in there, and change the middle part to File Not Found (and keep 404 error as tittle)
hopely this can help you ??
Greetings From PowerChaos
you mean like this error page
it is realy easy to do that
go to 404.html , open that file
just past your template in it (vieuw source code of your index script)
and you got yourself a build in template
only in your case , put it in no_file.html (cgi folder , template)
then it will remove that link that says , file not found , return back to main page
it is basic html and has nothing to do with htacces
and it is not a 404 error , as it is a simple html page
404 means file not found , but 404 does not reffer back to a file , it get server side loaded
the file not found means that it can not be found back in the database , it is sended by the script to that location and has nothing to do with a 404 error (it is just a file not found page , not a 404 page)
hard to explain , to explain it easy
you want to have a template around the file not found (after invalid DOWNLOAD link) page
you want to have a custom 404 error page ? ( non existing url )
so far i saw the example , just copy the source of your template (right click .. ) and put it in there, and change the middle part to File Not Found (and keep 404 error as tittle)
hopely this can help you ??
Greetings From PowerChaos
i am having the same problem is there an update on this situation
not an error on the same page like it is now.
i am having the same problem is there an update on this situation
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http://www.vidxden.com/dsewdfdc6uwxv it leads to this one http://www.vidxden.com/404.html,