XFileSharing Pro - Admin & Support out to lunch?

Posts: 6
Joined: Mar 13, 2011 9:08 pm

Admin & Support out to lunch?

#1 Postby GoldFinger » Mar 13, 2011 9:14 pm

Looks like a good software,

I see many support issues in this forum go unanswered.

I myself have sent you emails asking Pre Sales questions and those were never answered.

I'm sitting here READY to throw US Dollars at you,,,,
but Admin Support is not there.

What are you guys doing?

Posts: 211
Joined: Mar 11, 2011 6:26 am

#2 Postby glumbo » Mar 13, 2011 9:37 pm

I don't know how someone could not answer emails and stuff when people are just waiting to give you money. You already have the product developed all people want is support. I see the same thing at yabsoft

Posts: 6
Joined: Mar 13, 2011 9:08 pm

#3 Postby GoldFinger » Mar 14, 2011 2:44 am

glumbo wrote:I don't know how someone could not answer emails and stuff when people are just waiting to give you money. You already have the product developed all people want is support. I see the same thing at yabsoft
Hello my fellow american!
So yabsoft is in the same boat?

Read a few of the threads here you'll see guys that have sent money only to wait for days or more to get their first download.

Now I'm reading threads about the Premium Upgrade bug that won't upgrade users that have paid to upgrade to the Premium level.
The script should do that automatically without any special coding required.

I have some idea's about how to make my file share site "unique" and hopefully successful but,,,,,,,,,,,

these guys aren't trying very hard to make as many sales as possible.

@SibSoft,,, Are you guys busy or what?

A whole thread dedicated to TEMPLATE DESIGN and it looks like sibsoft
stopped TEMPLATE DESIGNS in February 2011.

Appears sibsoft needs to hire some additional people.

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Joined: Mar 22, 2006 12:32 pm

#4 Postby admin » Mar 14, 2011 5:37 am

Do not panic. We're not answering emails on weekends. Anyway, all emails will be answered today.