XFileSharing Pro - banners down the side of images
banners down the side of images
Looking to add banners down the side of the images on the download page. there was a old thread on how to do this, but the code needed to be modified dows not exist in the new version. does anyone know how to do this?
- Posts: 521
- Joined: Dec 19, 2009 5:12 pm
what you exacly mean
the download site is download1.html (where the downloads goes to )
just use this code on the place you like to post ads on
just place it on the position you like to have it , in my case it is just in main.html so it shows on all pages
Greetings From PowerChaos
the download site is download1.html (where the downloads goes to )
just use this code on the place you like to post ads on
Code: Select all
<TMPL_IF ads>
your ads in here , will only show to usergroup who need to see ads
Greetings From PowerChaos
- Posts: 521
- Joined: Dec 19, 2009 5:12 pm
well , i can say that you can try this code
but not sure if it works , just mess a bit around with this
first of all you need to use tabels ( i am bad at that thing )
as you notice , if ads ( ads need to show) then it takes above code , unless ads does not need to show then it takes the code below
hopely it works for you and can you start a little messing around with it to fix to your needs
if you need the example you provided ( 1 top , 3 middle , 1 bothom)
then please use this in place of the above table code
hopely this can help you a lot more
Greetings From PowerChaos
but not sure if it works , just mess a bit around with this
first of all you need to use tabels ( i am bad at that thing )
Code: Select all
<TMPL_IF image_url>
<TMPL_IF ads>
<tr><td>AD CODE HERE</td>
<td><p><img src="<TMPL_VAR image_url>" class="pic" alt="<TMPL_VAR file_name>" onLoad="scaleImg(this)" style="-ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic" GALLERYIMG="no"></p></td>
<td>AD CODE HERE</td></tr>
<p><img src="<TMPL_VAR image_url>" class="pic" alt="<TMPL_VAR file_name>" onLoad="scaleImg(this)" style="-ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic" GALLERYIMG="no"></p>
hopely it works for you and can you start a little messing around with it to fix to your needs
if you need the example you provided ( 1 top , 3 middle , 1 bothom)
then please use this in place of the above table code
Code: Select all
<tr><td colspan=3 align=center width=1000px>Banner</td></tr>
<tr><td width=120px>ADS</td><td width=860px>IMAGE</td><td width=120px>ADS</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=3>BANNER</td></tr>
Greetings From PowerChaos
Cannot believe I didn't think of this myself lol such commonsense. Anyway, I do not have an option of no ads, so I just added simple tables:
Code: Select all
<TMPL_IF image_url>
<tr><td>ADSPACE CODE</td>
<td><p><img src="<TMPL_VAR image_url>" class="pic" alt="<TMPL_VAR file_name>" onLoad="scaleImg(this)" style="-ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic" GALLERYIMG="no"></p>
<td>ADSPACE CODE</td></tr>