I guess you just need to add after use lib '....' this:
Code: Select all
Anyway I recommend Pro version for Windows server since we've fixed a lot of issues for Win there.
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
use lib 'D:\inetpub\WEBSITES\WWW_2007\support\upload2\';
I'd be happy to use the pro version, but I need to be sure this will work as expected. The CGI uploader script I'm currently using times out and freezes my system on large uploads (I've already increased the IIS CGI timeout from the default 300 to 3000 seconds).Software error:
syntax error at D:\inetpub\WEBSITES\WWW_2007\support\upload2\upload_status.cgi line 8, near "chdir('D"
Execution of D:\inetpub\WEBSITES\WWW_2007\support\upload2\upload_status.cgi aborted due to compilation errors.
Code: Select all
use lib 'D:\inetpub\WEBSITES\WWW_2007\support\upload2';
Also, how do you account for times when a user attempts to upload a file with the name of a file already on the server? Can uploads have time/date appended to file name to make them unique?Transfer complete!
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