XFileSharing Pro - Cash payouts to users. Its more trouble than its worth.

Do you still run reward points = Cash payout

Yes I do. I have no issues
No cash payouts to users. Its more trouble than its worth.
Total votes: 16

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Cash payouts to users. Its more trouble than its worth.

#1 Postby Hendrickson » Feb 03, 2010 9:52 am

I'm seeing things are getting out of control with the points for downloads etc. 1000 downloads = 5 dollars etc. On all of these new overnight sites.

This is just causing more trouble that what its worth. Too many users abuse this with copy-write porn movie files and then spam there links everywhere in porn forums.

Later you receive DCMA notices and legal threats so you ban the user or remove there files. To reward you, these users then post on every single forum they can find that your upload site is a scam... WTF....

So what I'm trying to say is stay away from the points for downloads and just use them for creating or extending premium accounts and no payouts.

I'm going to do this, more revenue comes from CPM adverts anyway and at the end of the day users should use your site because of its service. Good uptime and fast downloads etc.

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#2 Postby jeyul » Feb 03, 2010 9:36 pm

You're right, but not 100%. Yes, some users may spam you with files but that's a risk. What I do not understand at these sites is how they afford to pay 5, 10, even 15 I've seen, dollars per 1000 points. I can barely afford to pay 8$ at 10 000 points but that's because of the main origin of traffic, Romanian, a low eCPM country. But 15$ it's a little big don't you think?

And yes hendrickson, I agree with you : users should use your service because of it's reliability and it's performance. That's how rapidshare started, and all the other filehosts. But people tend to be greedy and want money. This is a general problem.

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#3 Postby Hendrickson » Feb 03, 2010 10:00 pm

I think the whole payment scheme brings out the worst users. Just greedy users. These people we make no money off anyway. I have discovered that these types will upload to many other hosts. So the download user will get all 1 file from 1 site the 2nd from another and so on. No premium account sales ever come from these day jobbers. People that make there living from our sites uploading files all day.

I've seen sites offering $25 per 1000 downloads. Crazy amount which I doubt they payout that amount.

I have good traffic and a large user base, yet the few bad apples I have banned have really done some damage in popular forums. So just be careful as users will post all sorts of BS to damage your sites rep. Its happing to me now. And I know some of it is a competitor. How do I know? The idiots have their XFile share site in their signature links claiming to be a user of my site scammed by non payment...

Its a tough file sharing world out there with plenty of cowboys I'm learning.

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#4 Postby dmon » Feb 08, 2010 8:46 pm

the problem is that we are using the payouts to lure them to use the websites. so guess what, if there is blood in the water, sharks will come.

you can do like forum owners do to attract moderators - engage with them directly. it's more micromanagement, but it seems you already went down that route with the spammers and pesky users.

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#5 Postby Hendrickson » Feb 08, 2010 9:03 pm

Yes I do agree and you need to keep an eye on the pesky ones. Ones that go from 20 points to 27000 in just a few days...

But there is still that issue of them later calling your site a scam because we remove their files or ban them. That to them means we must be a scam....
dmon wrote:the problem is that we are using the payouts to lure them to use the websites. so guess what, if there is blood in the water, sharks will come.

you can do like forum owners do to attract moderators - engage with them directly. it's more micromanagement, but it seems you already went down that route with the spammers and pesky users.

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#6 Postby PowerChaos » Feb 10, 2010 2:33 am

lets say a honnest answer for me then :D

i still give money pay outs
but .. now comes the funny part

7 days premium cost 4$ but i reward them at 1000 points
so basicly 1000 points is 4$

now the tricky part

10 000 points (10X more) is 1$
so they going use premium more and more to gain faster those points
and the value of premium is a higher price then the money reward

then to answer the copyright stuff
i dont care about them because files get deleted after 15 days (if no donwnload ofcourse)

and if a user complain then they get a nice screen to show that the files are deleted for possible reasons ,
but as long they dont complain , why removing it then ??
every visitor can become premium so dont trow them away , warez is a good way to get populated
only you need to see that you got a few settings right so they dont going abuse it

for example , if they upload 5 porn movie's with a ttoal download of 10GB
they will never download it all because your settings doesnt allow it , so those files get expired and problem solved , but you made your name better , and more populated

then some persones who do it on regulair time , they become premium

but it all depends how you look at it

for me this site does not mather mutch , it was just a download location because i got a few clients that got over the 1 mill downloads per month , and my server coulnd handle it anymore (with all those websites )

so basicly i dont lose a thing , i only promote my other websites , so thats a differend vieuw on this situation

if i can give you a golden rule
NEVER build a website for 1 purpose only
get some idea's and use differend websites to promote each other so you never lose stuff in case 1 website goes bad

this is a example of what i have

1 freehosting site
1 download location
1 gaming comunity
1 main page (general info of all my sites)
1 proxy (yea , a real proxy ^^ )
1 ad server (for my own ads , because i am banend from a lot of ad providers that refuse to pay out and are complaining about fraude clicks and that coulnd handle my simple proxy with 2 mill page vieuws every 3 days o.O)

1 warez site (yep , thats the good site ^^)
1 dedicated site for selling dedi's
1 vps website for selling vps servers

and this are my other idea's where i am buzzy on
1 multi forum site (mybb)
1 adoptables site (a egg in a sig , click on it and it hatch )
1 directory listing

so as you see , this isnt the only thing i do
and the reason why ??
because you cant trust on 1 thing , you need to do more to gain your money

and now to be honnest

all my projects doesnt give me a single $
only my dedicated and vps servers earns me the money to do all the other things

the proxy doesnt earn money because no ad server accepts me (they keep going down by my proxy , they complain about click fraude ; it is kinda funny, last adsite i was on complained about it and putted in tos for no more proxy's , we where the only proxy there :D )

warez goes great to , but takes time (is a small extra :D)
the adserver is kinda new ( 3 days old)
the download location goes not to bad , a lot of visitors but no premiums yet
and that was it so far

so as you see , you need to get clients to you no mather what client it is
and put your rates on good rates and it will be fine , then they dont abuse it because its useless to abuse it

if i see that site that offers 25$ per 1000 downloads , then i going be rich because my clients i got ^^
CrazyCo1017 - BoosterKing - .exe 390.5 Mb downloads=2213 traffic = 864146.7Mb uploaded =2010-01-22 09:55:13 last download = 2010-02-10 03:19:15
and thats just of 1 file :D (ps: my client works with mirrors and i am just 1 of the mirrors)

or that site is just so hopeless that they dont know anyhting better and hopes they come if they offer a lot of money

sorry for the long text :d
but i hope this can help you a little

ps: why banning a uploader if you got a firewall for it ?? it works better and your uploader dont call you a scamm , because he cant ask payments if he is banned :D

Greets From PowerChaos

Mega B
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#7 Postby Mega B » Feb 24, 2010 9:15 am

Not sure if i have done the right thing or not but today i have decided to stop the cash payout scheme as from immediate effect as i felt that it was bleeding the site dry or not alot left over at the end of the month.So from today i will be just having the premium members and revenue from the adverts i can see traffic dropping but so will my outgoings drop by a massive amount.
I will try it for a month or so but i feel its the right way to go for long term survival but i am looking at adding some other major features to add to the site to keep attracting them back again.

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#8 Postby GMC » Aug 11, 2010 5:18 am

Mega B wrote:Not sure if i have done the right thing or not but today i have decided to stop the cash payout scheme as from immediate effect as i felt that it was bleeding the site dry or not alot left over at the end of the month.So from today i will be just having the premium members and revenue from the adverts i can see traffic dropping but so will my outgoings drop by a massive amount.
I will try it for a month or so but i feel its the right way to go for long term survival but i am looking at adding some other major features to add to the site to keep attracting them back again.
I just wanted to bump this one

and see of Mega B would gives us a little bit on how he went with his site once he killed off the rewards

I have just relaunched with No cash rewards - I expect very little from this site though - lol

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#9 Postby Dulci » Aug 11, 2010 7:03 am

Im not giving any cash i only use it for my uploads only sometimes i get premuim users not much because i just launched. my site is open 1 month and 11 days i got over 10 k a day visitors. mostly from emmed video :). The best way to get a filehosting up is to share warez on popular forums download sites.

@ powerchaos

did you try xtendmedia im working with them.

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#10 Postby PowerChaos » Aug 11, 2010 7:16 am

i work on my own as the download site is basicly more for personal use the to use for a productive envorniment

or as you can say , its just a project that need to run on his own

as the point system is changed to does my rewards not fit anymore what they are suposed to do

and i am not sure of corporating with other company's , i got problems with them before (google for example , a lot of ad providers to before i started my own adsite)

so far everything i co operated with gave me problems , that is 1 of the main reason i try to start up as mutch as possible to become 1 big company with a lot of projects (all on 1 location)

the download site is running fine , but bad on premium members (sometimes a premium member that is doing noting , not uploading or downloading :s )

probaly later on i can use some help with those stuff as my last project is down ( a pr3 proxy site , is sold because google broke it down to a pr0 again , with 1.5 mill visitors/m = 48k per day average and 4TB traffic montly)

so maybe boosterking.com will become a new project where i want to spend a lot of time on it , but i need help with it then as i got no clue how i should start with it with corporating with other company's like you do :s

Greetings From PowerChaos