XFileMirror - Download (leech) will work with premium access only??

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Joined: Nov 22, 2012 4:43 am

Download (leech) will work with premium access only??

#1 Postby greenghost » Nov 22, 2012 5:02 am

I have just bought the script also 5 plugins.
For the plugin (say mediafire.com), in the installation file there is a note "Download (leech) will work with premium access only", I am actually confused about it? Does it mean to download the file my visitor should have the premium account on mediafire.com?

Can anyone please help me out?
Thanks in Advance!

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#2 Postby admin » Nov 23, 2012 11:41 am

Yes, if there's such note - then you MUST have premium access to be able to leech from there.

But you'd better check by yourself, as sites chaning their policies quite often.