XUpload - Email not working

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Joined: May 06, 2008 10:37 pm

Email not working

#1 Postby Cole » May 06, 2008 10:42 pm

I am not getting any email confirmations when a file is uploaded. Everything works perfect except for the email. I am using XUpload Pro 3.0.

I want only my email address to receive the confirmation so I know when a user has uploaded a new file.

This is what is setup so far in my config.pm file

##### Email confirmation #####
### Leave all fields blank OR comment them if you don't want to send confirmations

# Path to sendmail
sendmail_path => '/usr/sbin/sendmail',

# Email that confirmations will be sent to
confirm_email => '[email protected]',

# This email will be in "From:" field in confirmation emails
confirm_email_from => '[email protected]',

# Subject for email notification
email_subject => "Xupload: new file(s) uploaded",

What is it that I'm missing?