XUpload - Email To & From

Mike Thomas
Posts: 1
Joined: Sep 25, 2006 5:39 pm

Email To & From

#1 Postby Mike Thomas » Sep 25, 2006 9:23 pm

How do I pass a To & From email address from the form to the upload.cgi. It seems that no matter what I do, it either won't work at all, or it uses the email addresses from the XUploadConfig.pm file.


Posts: 27
Joined: Sep 14, 2006 1:44 am

#2 Postby Butch » Sep 26, 2006 3:52 am

The demo version on the Sib Soft site sent an email to the person testing Xupload, however, that function is not available in the production version. XuploadConfig.pm is the place email information is provided to the script. I, too, wanted the conformation email (email to person uploading file), however to the best of my knowledge that function is not available, hopefully it will be added in the next version.

XUploadConfig.pm is where all the email addressing & scripting is listed. I finally understand its content and it was really thought out by the author.

confirm_email: The email address of site file is uploaded to, (email address they which to receive the post information from Xupload)

confirm_email_from: An address used to tell site which form on that site was used and appears as an email address in the IN box of the site. (This was a little difficult to understand at first, but really a great feature once you understand it, especially if you have other forms such as form mail, shopping cart, etc.)

email_subject : The subject of the email received at the site email address.

I think you will really apprciate how this was done once that you see all the information in your email box. If you are like me an receive tons of junk mail, these features will let you filter junk mail with no chance of deleting any XUploaded email.

From: If the person uploading a file fills in the email address this will appear in the post information contained in the email received at "confirm_email" (email address of site forms was uploaded to)

Maybe if enough people request the conformation email (to person uploading file) they will add that feature.