XFileSharing Pro - error - 'Latest download' page always 0 point

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error - 'Latest download' page always 0 point

#1 Postby geekev69 » Jan 23, 2010 10:06 am

I found error in the latest download page in admin panel.
I went through all the download but everything is 0 point.
Is it error for all webmasters or only for me?
check the screenshot please.


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#2 Postby geekev69 » Jan 25, 2010 6:33 am

well.... no one get this problem?????

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where is

#3 Postby geekev69 » Jan 27, 2010 5:03 am

where is Pilgrim???

no one can answer this? My uploaders say they get download count
but cannot get any premium point.......

how can I fix this....

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#4 Postby hscorp » Jan 28, 2010 11:32 am

did you set the "Points per download" and "points only when size" in admin setting?

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#5 Postby PowerChaos » Jan 28, 2010 1:35 pm

check points per user and size

if anonymouse is on 0 then they dont get points , only when downloaded from registered users

if the size doesnt match the download (let me say , only points if size is bigger then 10mb )

then files under 10mb will not count

if you setup the point system like this

anonymouse user = 0
registered = 1
premium =2

then it means , if a premium member downloads a file then it get 2 points
if a not logged in user download a file then they get no points at all

if that doesnt works , then there is something wrong with your config file
and then please check manual your config file to change the value's

xfsconfig.cgi is the config file ( need 755 or 777 ) or was it xfsconfig.pl ??

Greets From PowerChaos

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#6 Postby geekev69 » Jan 30, 2010 4:01 pm

I just found XFileConfig.pm this file contains download something setting like this.

# Define how many points to add per each type of downloader
add_points_anon => '',
add_points_reg => '',
add_points_prem => '',

should I put number there? then my new question is... why we set the country point system? I don't understand seriously.

If anonymous user download a file which is 105MB from US and I set the file point as 1 in smart mod and if I put 2 to the above settings then
which point does the uploader will get? 1 or 2?
very confusing lol

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#7 Postby geekev69 » Jan 30, 2010 4:13 pm

oh I found one more thing which is file permission

XFileConfig.pm 666
XFSConfig.pm 666

both files permission is 666.

should them be 777 or 755?

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Re: XFileConfig.pm

#8 Postby PowerChaos » Jan 31, 2010 12:03 am

geekev69 wrote:I just found XFileConfig.pm this file contains download something setting like this.

# Define how many points to add per each type of downloader
add_points_anon => '',
add_points_reg => '',
add_points_prem => '',

should I put number there? then my new question is... why we set the country point system? I don't understand seriously.

If anonymous user download a file which is 105MB from US and I set the file point as 1 in smart mod and if I put 2 to the above settings then
which point does the uploader will get? 1 or 2?
very confusing lol
if i am not wrong , the geo mod goes over the normal points system, so if you put 1 on geo and 10000 on normal
then the user get only 1 , and that is maybe the reason why it is emtpy

the config file got the right permision

permision 666 means , read/write acces for private (server and scripts)

if it stands on 755 means it that it is read/write by server but not writable by the script

777 means that every1 can read/write , even public (reason why temp file is 777 )

Greets From PowerChaos
ps: i can be wrong with the naming of them , but it is the same system if i am not wrong :P

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#9 Postby ankurs » Mar 10, 2010 2:29 pm

geekev69 , how did you get it fixed ?

i am facing the same issue ; settings look fine to me

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#10 Postby geekev69 » Mar 16, 2010 5:10 am

I visit this forum after a month but still no one can answer this? omg...
very sad hah...


add_points_anon => '1',
add_points_reg => '1',
add_points_prem => '1',

I put 1 for each option just now then,, let's see how it goes...

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#11 Postby PilgrimX182 » Mar 16, 2010 8:22 am

Make sure u've uploaded GeoIP.dat to cgi-bin