I've been battling most of the weekend to get Xupload2 Pro working on my windows dev laptop. I got it working on my production servers (FreeBSD 6.2/Apache1.3.x/PHP5/etc) but am having a nightmare on my XP laptop

My laptop environment was set up for apache1.3/PHP5/Zend (NO perl). Adding mod_perl to Apache in windows is NOT easy! I had to ditch everything and install xampp (Apache2.2/mod_perl/php5 (Zend debugger now broken

I then realised that was not enough, so I installed ActivePerl. But I get the following error:
Code: Select all
Can't locate strict.pm in @INC (@INC contains: .) at C:<....>/sites/cgi-bin-win32/xupload2/upload.cgi line 5.\r,
It feels like I'm close to getting all this working but it has been a nightmare (not any fault of xupload, just my windows dev environment). Any help VERY gratefully received.