XFileSharing Free - HONEST?? SHOPDISC.CO.UK shopperdiscountsandrewards.co.uk

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HONEST?? SHOPDISC.CO.UK shopperdiscountsandrewards.co.uk

#1 Postby matyjasz » Dec 07, 2007 7:16 pm

Really smart!!!

Our records show that you or someone in your household joined Shopper Discounts & Rewards after completing an online transaction with SibSoft Ltd. After your transaction you were offered and accepted a membership in Shopper Discounts & Rewards. Immediately next to the offer, the Offer Details were displayed, which included the agreement that we could charge the monthly membership fee of 8.00 pounds to the credit card or debit card you used for your transaction with SibSoft Ltd after your trial period ended.
TO BE CLEAR: I'm not stuppid, blind or disabled so It had to be really small print or maybe hidden (l)ink ?!

Can You explain ?


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Re: HONEST?? SHOPDISC.CO.UK shopperdiscountsandrewards.co.uk

#2 Postby admin » Dec 17, 2007 9:30 am

matyjasz wrote:Really smart!!!

Our records show that you or someone in your household joined Shopper Discounts & Rewards after completing an online transaction with SibSoft Ltd. After your transaction you were offered and accepted a membership in Shopper Discounts & Rewards. Immediately next to the offer, the Offer Details were displayed, which included the agreement that we could charge the monthly membership fee of 8.00 pounds to the credit card or debit card you used for your transaction with SibSoft Ltd after your trial period ended.
TO BE CLEAR: I'm not stuppid, blind or disabled so It had to be really small print or maybe hidden (l)ink ?!

Can You explain ?


after searching on internet for this "Shopping Discounts & Rewards" we found that a lot of people was ripped by them.

http://leblog.exuberance.com/2006/03/wh ... lisho.html

That couldn't happen if you were doing purchase through sibsoft site (clicking "buy now" link on our site). But that could happen if you buying through some software directory or discounter. If you did purchase through our site (clicked "buy now" link on our site) - then contact us and tell us more about your order (what payment system was used), we will review transaction and will ask payment processinig company (2checkout or regnow) about this "hidden offer".

Thanks for letting us know

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Posts: 1844
Joined: Mar 22, 2006 12:32 pm

Re: HONEST?? SHOPDISC.CO.UK shopperdiscountsandrewards.co.uk

#3 Postby admin » Dec 17, 2007 9:34 am

After googling more about this credit card scam we've found explanation of how this trick is working:

http://coolwayfarer.blogspot.com/2007/0 ... -scam.html

So, beware of clicking on any "special offers" which comes from 3rdparty companies.