XVideoSharing - How to add a server
How to add a server
Hello, i need to know how can i add a server to my script?
Sibsoft should really post "how to add file server in Xvideosharing ?"
Script basic cost is $600 and none documented until now http://support.sibsoft.net/knowledge_ba ... egory_id=4
I have seen so many guys asking the same question else where in other forums.
Till then you can try adding file server for XVS using this guide:
http://support.sibsoft.net/knowledge_ba ... icle_id=12
Script basic cost is $600 and none documented until now http://support.sibsoft.net/knowledge_ba ... egory_id=4
I have seen so many guys asking the same question else where in other forums.
Till then you can try adding file server for XVS using this guide:
http://support.sibsoft.net/knowledge_ba ... icle_id=12