Hello Guys,
I get only a htdocs dir symlink: ERROR
htdocs dir symlink del: ERROR
api.cgi: OK
temp dir exist: OK
temp dir mkdir: OK
temp dir rmdir: OK
tmp dir exist: OK
tmp dir mkdir: OK
tmp dir rmdir: OK
upload dir exist: OK
upload dir mkdir: OK
upload dir rmdir: OK
htdocs dir exist: OK
htdocs dir mkdir: OK
htdocs dir symlink: ERROR
htdocs dir symlink del: ERROR
htdocs dir rmdir: OK
config read: OK
config write: OK
fs.cgi: OK
upload.cgi: OK
htdocs URL accessibility: OK
chmod for the dirs is on 777 or 755
please help[/quote]
XFileSharing Pro - htdocs dir symlink: ERROR htdocs dir symlink del: ERROR
- Posts: 91
- Joined: May 13, 2010 6:46 pm
- Posts: 91
- Joined: May 13, 2010 6:46 pm
This is a message from the hosting company:
Can you help me admin? What to tell the hosting company to check to make symlinks work ?What exactly is the symlink which the script is trying to access? Or is it trying to create one? If so, which one? Please elaborate in detail what exactly is the script trying to do.