XFileSharing Pro - Installation

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#1 Postby mx » Feb 09, 2008 6:11 am

I seem to be dead in the water right from the start. Your system requirements are listed on the website info page as:

# Perl higher than 5.005 version [http://www.perl.com/download.csp]
# MySQL database [http://www.mysql.com]
# Apache mod_rewrite module
# .htaccess files support [http://www.tutorio.com/tutorial/enable- ... -on-apache]
# GD lib, GD perl mudule (Optional) [http://www.libgd.org/Downloads]

I am running a server using Mac OS X 10.5.1 Server. With the exception of the GD library and modules, everything else is active.

However, the requirements listed for the purchased version list more specific modules, two of which are not active:

DBI, DBD::mysql Perl modules

Although adding modules is possible, the frequent updates to OS X (including the imminent 10.5.2 update) will likely disrupt any changes. Any thoughts/experience with using a Mac server? After suffering with Linux servers, Leopard Server is SOOOOOO much easier to maintain!

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Re: Installation

#2 Postby admin » Feb 09, 2008 8:44 am

mx wrote: However, the requirements listed for the purchased version list more specific modules, two of which are not active:

DBI, DBD::mysql Perl modules

Although adding modules is possible, the frequent updates to OS X (including the imminent 10.5.2 update) will likely disrupt any changes. Any thoughts/experience with using a Mac server? After suffering with Linux servers, Leopard Server is SOOOOOO much easier to maintain!
If you do not have these modules installed - then you can install them manually through console.

you just need to type in shell:

1) perl -MCPAN -eshell

2) when you will see prompt, you should type:
a) install DBI
b) install DBD::mysql

I wonder that you have mysql installed and do not have these Perl modules.

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#3 Postby mx » Feb 09, 2008 8:48 am

I will try your suggestions. Overall, I love using Leopard Server, but there are a few odd components missing. It does come preconfigured with mysql, although apparently not everything you might need.

Thanks again!
Last edited by mx on Feb 09, 2008 8:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Thanks!

#4 Postby admin » Feb 09, 2008 8:49 am

mx wrote:I will try you suggestions. Overall, I love using Leopard Server, but there are a few odd components missing. It does come preconfigured with mysql, although apparently not everything you might need.

Thanks again!
If you will have problems installing these modules - you can give us ssh access and we will install them for you. However, root access will be required (if you do not scare).

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#5 Postby dollarek » Feb 09, 2008 10:14 am

well, i am stuck is well. xD

This is what i typed into new server

cgi-bin URL
htdocs URL

And this is message

api.cgi: OK
temp dir exist: OK
temp dir mkdir: OK
temp dir rmdir: OK
upload dir exist: OK
upload dir mkdir: OK
upload dir rmdir: OK

htdocs dir exist: ERROR
htdocs dir mkdir: ERROR
htdocs dir symlink: ERROR
htdocs dir symlink del: ERROR
htdocs dir rmdir: ERROR

config read: OK
config write: OK
fs.cgi: OK
upload.cgi: OK
upload_status.cgi: OK
htdocs URL accessibility: OK

I have chmoded all files i guess i did, created new subfolder cuz installing it on same server. dunoo what is going on.

### edited

I also tried creating sub domain, and e.g. d1.server.com and upload there cgi-bin and htdoc and same error occurred

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#6 Postby PilgrimX182 » Feb 09, 2008 2:37 pm

Code: Select all

htdocs dir exist: ERROR
means that 'htdocs_dir' folder path setted in XFSConfig.pm don't exist.
Fix it and try again.

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#7 Postby dollarek » Feb 09, 2008 3:02 pm

ohhh, how easy that was, how stupid i am,


i still done something wrong, when i upload file and then go to download and when link is generated and i click on it there is no page found, when i go to my ftp and check file does exist but it looks like this,....


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#8 Postby PilgrimX182 » Feb 09, 2008 3:44 pm

hmm...why files folder is in cgi-bin? I guess you should put it to public_html or htdocs folder to be accessible from browser.

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#9 Postby dollarek » Feb 09, 2008 3:44 pm

Code: Select all

 # Path to htdocs folder - to generate direct links, witout trailing /
 htdocs_dir	=> '####',

when in place of #### i put "files" than, all uploaded stuff are saved in cgi-bin :(

But by my understanding path means that i have to put "/subdomains/d1/httpdocs/files", but when i put this that while generating link error comes out to contact with administrator