this 2 file : ( on black ) env.cgi env.php*** Main Server Installation ***
1) Copy all files and folders from "MAIN-dist/cgi-bin" into your cgi-bin folder (folder where perl scripts running)
Copy all files and folders from "MAIN-dist/htdocs" into your htdocs folder (folder with HTML files)
NOTE: use binary mode for FTP when uploading files.
2) Set install.cgi permissions to 755. Then open it in your browser (e.g.
Follow the instructions so all 4 steps will be OK.
3) After complete install delete install.cgi, install.sql files for security reasons.
4) Change relative URLs in .htaccess file in htdocs to your own ones.
If you don't have .htaccess support on your sever you can copy .htaccess source to htdocs options in httpd.conf and restart Apache.
5) Now go to the "Site Settings" page and set up your server configuration.
6) Add script to your crontab to run it every hour.
Sample: 0 * * * * cd /var/www/cgi-bin;./ >/dev/null 2>&1
7) If you want to use PayPal payments for Premium Accounts, edit paypal settings in the very bottom of
Directly after install you'll get message "there are no servers available for upload" on index page.
That's correct. Now let's add first FileServer.
*** File Servers Installation ***
1) Copy all files and folders from "FS-dist/cgi-bin" into FileServer cgi-bin folder.
Copy all files and folders from "FS-dist/htdocs" into FileServer htdocs folder.
NOTE: if you're installing FileServer on same server where MAIN server is, DO NOT use same MAIN server htdocs folder, create sub-folder for this.
2) Set permissions:
temp 777
uploads 777
logs.txt 777
.cgi 755
htdocs 777
3) Edit and set up ONLY 3 fields: temp_dir, upload_dir, htdocs_dir.
You can open env.cgi or env.php in browser to figure out real full path to folder.
NOTE: fs_key field should be initially empty
4) Log In to admin account and open "".
Set up all fields there, then Main server will test & update FileServer configuration and if everything allright you'll see new server on "Server Management" page.
If you got error about saving config, make sure fs_key is not empty in or paste it from Server details page.
5) Delete env.cgi, env.php for security reasons.
There are in dir zip and on server
My site is break not work

For the version "normal" is ok but on Pro NOT work
Site :
Tnx in advance