Такой вопрос :
После выполнения
Проверяю files/index.html пытаюсь комментить первые 6 строк (хтаксесса)вобщем результата нет.*** Main-Server + File-Server Installation ***
1) Copy all files and folders from "cgi-bin" into your cgi-bin folder (folder where perl scripts running)
Copy all files and folders from "htdocs" into your htdocs (public_html) folder (folder with HTML files)
NOTE: use binary mode for FTP when uploading files.
NOTE: try to open /files/index.html in your browser. If you get 500 error then comment one-by-one first 6 lines in .htaccess to figure out what line gives error.
а в логе вот такое появляется :
[Wed May 28 21:57:03 2008] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: /home/u79411/faylo.ru/cgi-bin//install.cgi
[Wed May 28 21:58:55 2008] [alert] [client] /home/u79411/faylo.ru/www/.htaccess: RewriteRule: cannot compile regular expression '^([0-9A-Za-z\\-_]*)/?([0-9A-Za-z]{12})(/[^\\/]*|)(\\.html?|$)$'\n
[Wed May 28 22:07:15 2008] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: /home/u79411/faylo.ru/cgi-bin//install.cgi
[Wed May 28 22:42:31 2008] [alert] [client] /home/u79411/faylo.ru/www/.htaccess: RewriteRule: cannot compile regular expression '^([0-9A-Za-z\\-_]*)/?([0-9A-Za-z]{12})(/[^\\/]*|)(\\.html?|$)$'\n
[Wed May 28 23:25:05 2008] [alert] [client] /home/u79411/faylo.ru/www/.htaccess: RewriteRule: cannot compile regular expression '^([0-9A-Za-z\\-_]*)/?([0-9A-Za-z]{12})(/[^\\/]*|)(\\.html?|$)$'\n
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