XUpload Pro
I know that I can redirect after download to another file. Can I redirect to an ASP file and have the post output array be captured by vbscript response.form or response("Filename") etc.?
I have attempted to do this for a while however it doesnt seem to allow for this.
XUpload - Post Output to ASP file?
Re: Post Output to ASP file?
Hello,wiglaf wrote:XUpload Pro
I know that I can redirect after download to another file. Can I redirect to an ASP file and have the post output array be captured by vbscript response.form or response("Filename") etc.?
I have attempted to do this for a while however it doesnt seem to allow for this.
no matter what you will use to grab POST request. ASP, PHP, Java, etc
Looks like you doing something wrong. Note that xupload sending array in POST request.
Here is the sample code I am attempting to use:
All ll of the values return blank or null values. Can you provide some sample code?
Code: Select all
DIM rFileName, rFileNameOrg, rFileSize, rFileStatus, rFileDesc, rFileMime
rFileName = request.form("file_name")
rFileNameOrg = request.form("file_name_orig")
rFileSize = request.form("file_size")
rFileStatus = request.form("file_status")
rFileDesc = request.form("file_descr")
rFileMime = request.form("file_mime")
response.write "FileName: " & rFileNameOrg & "<br>"
response.write "FileNameOrg: " & rFileName & "<br>"
response.write "FileSize: " & rFileSize & "<br>"
response.write "FileStatus: " & rFileStatus & "<br>"
response.write "FileDesc: " & rFileDesc & "<br>"
response.write "FileMime: " & rFileMime & "<br>"
As I said, you shold access this post request as array (look at post.php or post.cgi how they doing that).wiglaf wrote:Here is the sample code I am attempting to use:
All ll of the values return blank or null values. Can you provide some sample code?Code: Select all
DIM rFileName, rFileNameOrg, rFileSize, rFileStatus, rFileDesc, rFileMime rFileName = request.form("file_name") rFileNameOrg = request.form("file_name_orig") rFileSize = request.form("file_size") rFileStatus = request.form("file_status") rFileDesc = request.form("file_descr") rFileMime = request.form("file_mime") response.write "FileName: " & rFileNameOrg & "<br>" response.write "FileNameOrg: " & rFileName & "<br>" response.write "FileSize: " & rFileSize & "<br>" response.write "FileStatus: " & rFileStatus & "<br>" response.write "FileDesc: " & rFileDesc & "<br>" response.write "FileMime: " & rFileMime & "<br>"
Not sure how to deal with POST arrays in VB. But I found this HOWTO: http://blogs.msdn.com/david.wang/archiv ... Array.aspx
I hope that will help
I am making progress and appreciate your help.
VB requires a name of the post request field. I looked in the upload.cgi file and found the name of the field listed as: $_\[]
Here is the code:
How does the field name appear when the html is built?
Example, what would be the ArrayName value?:
VB requires a name of the post request field. I looked in the upload.cgi file and found the name of the field listed as: $_\[]
Here is the code:
Code: Select all
for my $f (@files)
my @file_fields = qw(file_name file_name_orig file_status file_size file_descr file_mime);
print"<textarea name='$_\[]'>$f->{$_}</textarea>" for @file_fields;
print"<textarea name='$_->{name}'>$_->{value}</textarea>" for @har;
Example, what would be the ArrayName value?:
Code: Select all
<textarea name="ArrayName"></textarea>