XFileSharing Pro - FAQ : Build your own Dedicated server ?

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FAQ : Build your own Dedicated server ?

#1 Postby crownin » Dec 27, 2010 12:04 am


I got a few question about Dedicated servers because I want to make an own dedicated server to run my file hosting site on.

are there special types of processors that are ment for a dedicated server or could I just use any processor ?

If I use a Motherboard with 1 gbps and connect it with fiberglass (Ziggo in Netherlands) will it work nicely ?

Do I have to to buy any special gear for dedicated server Because it needs to run 24/7 ?

If there are any other problems what I might get please inform me about it.

Is there a maximum of bandwidth that I have but not know about it or is it just unlimited since I will host my own dedicated server ?

Thanks for all Help.

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Re: FAQ : Build your own Dedicated server ?

#2 Postby nyan » Dec 27, 2010 11:54 am

crownin wrote:Hello,

I got a few question about Dedicated servers because I want to make an own dedicated server to run my file hosting site on.
are there special types of processors that are ment for a dedicated server or could I just use any processor ?

-- For running normal websites, yes there are processors(xeons) specialized in running lots of threads at the same time (eg running 100 php scripts at once). for using it as a fileserver it does not matter what you use.

If I use a Motherboard with 1 gbps and connect it with fiberglass (Ziggo in Netherlands) will it work nicely ?

-- The upload speed from ziggo is as far as I can tell less than 10 mbit/s, you can hardly run a fileserver on that. Furthermore consumer connections are not ment for hosting stuff, downloaders outside europe will get very low speeds.. using it as a main server to only host the website will be fine though.

Do I have to to buy any special gear for dedicated server Because it needs to run 24/7 ?

-- No

If there are any other problems what I might get please inform me about it.

Is there a maximum of bandwidth that I have but not know about it or is it just unlimited since I will host my own dedicated server ?

-- Ziggo has a fair usage policy, using the maximum upload of your line all the time is not fair usage and they can probably disconnect you. for ziggo zakelijk it probably is allowed.
-- If you want to use it as fileserver, try looking for colocation offers
-- If you want to use it as a website server, give it a try

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#3 Postby crownin » Dec 28, 2010 12:34 am

Ryan thank you for your usefull answers.

I really wan't build my own but my only problem is the network speed, it costs too much to have 1 gbps at my own home and for a file hosting website is 1 gbps a must right or are there other solutions ?


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#4 Postby nyan » Dec 28, 2010 12:37 pm

Try looking for colocation offers, though these generally don't have 100 mbit or 1 gbit unmetered uplinks for affordable prices

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#5 Postby Dulci » Dec 28, 2010 4:12 pm

colocation would be expensive maybe in the future it would be more for you if you got alot off server you can host it on you own rack by leaseweb.

look at http://net100tb.com/

or mail them they will come with a good price.

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#6 Postby crownin » Dec 29, 2010 1:28 am

Thank you for your answers.

I will ask net100tb.com thanks.

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#7 Postby PilgrimX182 » Dec 29, 2010 2:58 pm

http://www.100tb.com/ looks a bit cheaper.