XFileSharing Pro - Need help with File Server setup (HDD RAID RAM)

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Need help with File Server setup (HDD RAID RAM)

#1 Postby venture89 » Sep 04, 2011 1:13 am

Hello All,

This is my first post at the forum. I am looking to buy my first file-server and would love to get some advice from people who are experienced in this field.

Since my site is very new I will be getting little traffic for now.

I was quoted the following by hosting company
Intel Quad Core Xeon E5620 2.4Ghz
4 x 1TB HDD (max 6 drives)
Hardware RAID 10
1Gbit Port with 100TB Bandwidth (FREE Inbound Bandwidth)
4 IPs

2 x Intel Quad Core Xeon E5620 2.4Ghz
6 x 1TB HDD (max 6 drives)
Hardware RAID 10
1Gbit Port with 100TB Bandwidth (FREE Inbound Bandwidth)
4 IPs

I also have 20 servers of the following that I use for a streaming network

Intel Quad Core Xeon X3470 2.93GHz
1Gbit Port with 100TB Bandwidth (FREE Inbound Bandwidth)
4 IPs


I want to be serious about this site and want to get one of the first two dedicated servers at $400+ but at the same time if I can use the existing streaming servers I will save some money (at least for the start where servers will be sitting around not doing much)

Streaming servers use about 500Mbps of the available 1Gbps port at any given time so the connection speed will be ok for the start.

Also, is it easy ditch a file server and backup it's data to a new server? Is that a situation I want to avoid at all costs?

Thank you all in advance for your input and suggestions!

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Joined: Aug 13, 2011 12:34 pm

#2 Postby hostlife » Sep 05, 2011 12:45 pm

Where you are looking for these rates? These are quite cost servers. We have more than 7 servers from the last 8-10 months from yazuhost.com but with more resources. I just say that I am happy with them.

You shouldn't go with RAID 10 as this will waste a lot of storage. Go with RAID 5 or Raid 6 max.

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#3 Postby chrda » Sep 05, 2011 4:54 pm

You shouldn't go with RAID 10 as this will waste a lot of storage. Go with RAID 5 or Raid 6 max.
I dont agree there. I only do raid 10 from now on. But again different niches have different needs. But the main bottleneck for most XFS sites are disk IO

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#4 Postby venture89 » Sep 05, 2011 6:57 pm

hostlife wrote:Where you are looking for these rates? These are quite cost servers. We have more than 7 servers from the last 8-10 months from yazuhost.com but with more resources. I just say that I am happy with them.

You shouldn't go with RAID 10 as this will waste a lot of storage. Go with RAID 5 or Raid 6 max.
Do they have their own network or are they a reseller? (if so what network do you know?) Above servers use Bluemile network.
chrda wrote:I dont agree there. I only do raid 10 from now on. But again different niches have different needs. But the main bottleneck for most XFS sites are disk IO
I am incline to go with Raid10 due to the redundancy and speed it offers. Can you please let me know how much of a difference Raid5 vs. Raid10 produces when it comes to I/O performance.

Should I be worrying about I/O performance at all since I am just starting out this site? (it is a all purpose file hosting site not just image or video).

I guess the answer to that question depends on how easily can I change from a Raid5 server setup to a new Raid10 setup (In case site gets more popular). I've read few complaints from users trying to transfer files to new servers using XFS built in feature...Any comments?

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#5 Postby hostlife » Sep 05, 2011 8:02 pm

well you can see some good raid comparison here.

Actually, in file hosting you don't need high write speed as downloads are about 20-30 times more than uploads. So, your main focus should be on read speed.

Say if you have 20TB of storage space, your usable space will be

Raid 5 = 18TB
RAID 10 = 10TB,

So, you will lose 8TB storage without getting any good advantages. In Raid 10, only advantage will be redundancy but in file hosting business, you don't need to waste that much, if you are worried about redundancy, you can go with RAID 6 which can tolerate fault of 2 drives.


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#6 Postby chrda » Sep 05, 2011 9:09 pm

I aint talking about write speed. When you get "big" enough you need to watch out for a few traps.

http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/raid5-vs- ... mance.html

To be able to use a full Gbit link without any problems. You need at much IO as possible. On XFS if the IO is so high that the barely serves files, you will get problems with upload.

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#7 Postby PowerChaos » Sep 09, 2011 11:36 am

this is what i offer in case of intrest


135 € = 187,0155 US$ at current google rate

it is located in germany but now comes the tricky part

it does not have a directly traffic limit , but a max continue stream in 10 days

if you use all the time atleast 40mbps ( 40% of 100mbps line ) over a timespan of 10 days then you get capped off to 10mbps

the only thing to get over it is to buy a dedicated port for 120€ (100mbps dedicated)
a 1gb port got the same rule, and same price
so if you use a 1Gbps port and a 100mbps dedicated line then you can use 100mbps traffic before it get capped to 10mbps (or 10% of the 1GB line) else it will be 40mbps ( 4% of the 1GB line)

for the disk drives , i can add up to 4 extra drives of 2TB but the fun part is that it is a 1X setup cost of 120€ per HD (depends what hd you like to use , price based on a 2TB hd )

in case of intrest , feel free to contact me
to get a demo , feel free to take a look at http://boosterking.com
i use the I7 920 ( 135€ )

if you need more info , feel free to contact me

Greetings From PowerChaos

Posts: 296
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#8 Postby chrda » Sep 09, 2011 1:22 pm

You need to stop the self promoting of your servers. (Its reason for ban on other forums)
You are reselling, and its far from optimal solutions you are selling.

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#9 Postby PowerChaos » Sep 09, 2011 2:10 pm

if you like i can place my own servers to in antwerp ( belguim ) but you wont like those offers i got from it o.O (belguim is expensive , and you start with 1mbps traffic @ 45€ per mbit) and i got only dual cores avaible for belguim (yes own servers .. )

anyway , my point is not to self promote , its to help others by providing a solution

as the user is asking for a solution do it seems nice to me to place a offer that can be intresting for him

and for the "optimal solution"
it realy depends how far you put your goal and what you see as a solution
if you do hosting as long as me then you know what traffic this things use and then is this not a bad solution for a fresh site (also called experiance)
or do you think you use 40mbps all the time ?? and that 2TB is filled up in 1 month for a fresh site ??

so before complaining about optimal solutions .. be sure to know what optimal means

a example
its like unmetered/unlimited hosting for 7€
it seems great :D but basicly you do not even use 100gb of traffic (package of 2€) .. so what a waste of money
but yea , it depends how mutch you know about those things to find the optimal solution

then there is a difference to betwean resellers and me
i maybe resell servers but i make sure everything is fine , i keep contact with the datacenter itself instead a "reseller" so where is the difference ?? instead that i got directly contact with the techs on site and other resellers not ?? , that i can solve the problems in a few hours and most resellers takes 3 days ?? ...

for me the offer i do doesnt seems bad , i am using the same solution that i offer .. else i woulnd offer it in the first place (as it is a live demo)

but before going to mutch offtopic

it is up to him to make the desision, i only "promote" if they ask for it , for the rest you wont see any "promotion" posts from me

thats so far the offtopic discusion

Greetings From PowerChaos

Posts: 195
Joined: Aug 13, 2011 12:34 pm

#10 Postby hostlife » Sep 10, 2011 2:52 am

PowerChaos: You are not helping, you are self promoting. There are many more better provider companies available in the market. So, I recommend better take a little search, send some presale & test them unlike just a little reseller & sole trader who can run anytime without any information

Posts: 521
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#11 Postby PowerChaos » Sep 10, 2011 9:39 am

ok , because it is you

here is a small list of datacenters (not resellers):

burst.net -> slow network -> scranton/usa
ovh.com -> they kick you off your server as soon 1 attack enters (dos attack) -> france
hetzner.com -> they ask money for every extra thing (dit not test it) -> germany
kimsufi.fr -> same as ovh ( its ovh) -> france
burst.eu -> never tryed it because its burst.net -> uk / us
100TB.net -> big traffic but no filehosting allowed (dit not test it ) -> usa
giga-hosting.biz -> germany -> only for german customers and for 1 year
directclanhosting.com - > they dit fraude -> uk
Leaseweb.com -> they promise custom install and never provide it -> fraude -> no country aviable (never tested the server as i dit not got what i wanted)

and then there are a few more where i forgot the name of

hopely you are now happy ??
There are many more better provider companies available in the market.
it would be nice to show me a few providers that does the same as me
it depends what you like "better" but it is not up to you to just say that

unless you was a client from me , feel free to post a revieuw then on my site so every1 can read it , do you have no right to say that i am bad or good (its called slander)
the only persones who got the right to complains/promote about me is me, my co owner , my staff and my clients and ex clients
as long you are not 1 of those then it is not nice to break some1 down

the above links i gave are from datacenters i personal tested ( exept 2 of them ) and where i dit a lot of research about

hopely your now happy with those information ??
and hopely this information can help you to know where NOT to go ??

anyway , this will my last reply before i go to many times offtopic , the end desision is still at the user who requested the information and that is what he got now

Greetings From PowerChaos
and a lot of luck with desiding what you like to have :D