XFileSharing Pro - Using SSL for downloads & with Apache 2.2 & XFS 1.8

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Using SSL for downloads & with Apache 2.2 & XFS 1.8

#1 Postby FZee » Jan 09, 2012 5:51 pm

I like the idea that RapidShare uses SSL downloads for free users and their premium customers too.

If i was using XFS 1.8 & Apache 2.2 'strictly for' hosting audio files such as m4a , mp3, mp4(audio), acc, flac, etc etc...

What kind of steps would you go through, to have the site do this:
SSL Logins & SSL'd Account browsing.
SSL downloads (for both free and premium users)

I don't know if IE & JW player support SSL for streaming audio files too ?

Anyone care to shed light on this ?

Posts: 32
Joined: Jun 26, 2011 11:50 pm

#2 Postby Neo_000 » Jan 10, 2012 7:31 pm


I think im the only one that use SSL with this script. I have Version 1.9 but I think its the same... When you handle customer data and payments, I think the complete communication must be in ssl.

I have while SSL is in use some small problems. You cant use a self signed Cert. You have to buy a SSL from a trusted seller.

Flashupload mod hase still some problems with ssl. When its a self signed you can´t use flash, must be a positive ssl.

Your script speed will fall to the minimum, even when Sisoft now say its my bad config from Server. But I know it better, Im the Server Admin :-) and its the script self.

I use a config, that runns without any problems on my other site that is also written in perl with about some 1000´s users. And it runs like a charme no lags or something.

Posts: 116
Joined: Mar 03, 2010 11:26 am

#3 Postby FZee » Jan 10, 2012 8:23 pm

I would be using a PositiveSSL cert from a domain registrar. So it will be signed by them ofcourse.
Your script speed will fall to the minimum
What do you mean by that ? Is it the script in general or do you mean the 'download speed' ? . What actually cause the lag ?

PS. Have you tried streaming audio/video in SSL ?

Posts: 32
Joined: Jun 26, 2011 11:50 pm

#4 Postby Neo_000 » Jan 11, 2012 9:26 am

Hi, I made serveral tests and with SSL and XFS Pro the speed of the script will be not the same as when you use XFS without SSL.

I haven´t tryed it, but should be possible. The SSL Layer don´t matter what kind of data you send to the browser.

But SSL is a encryption, and this needs time :-) Biger files > more encryption > slower speed

Yes I say the script is laggy while SSL is in use... Without all is fine, but with it will be significant slower ;-)

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#5 Postby admin » Jan 11, 2012 9:37 am

I wonder why you need to stream video through SSL?
Of course it will be slower than without SSL. But not because the script, because your web server will have to encode everything on the fly.

Posts: 116
Joined: Mar 03, 2010 11:26 am

#6 Postby FZee » Jan 11, 2012 5:34 pm

Video is not important, because the site only stores audio files.

So downloading audio files through SSL shouldn't be something to worry about in terms of speed & apache ?.

Most audio files range from 3MB to 30MB (in some rare cases i've seen audio files being 60MB)