I have sent this to support and never got a response.
I dont understand the code in cron.pl, but that hasnt stopped me from trying to make changes to it - lol
Only problem is I dont have a test site to run this on to see what damage it might do
What I am trying to do is give premium files an additional 30 days after the premium account expires - I am seeing 100's of files being deleted at a time, which can only be a premium account losing thier library.
I just want to give them some leeway from expiry to repurchase, as the site doesnt warn them their premium is about to expire
Here is the code I have changed
Code: Select all
my $list = $db->SelectARef("SELECT f.*
FROM Files f, Users u
WHERE srv_id=?
AND f.usr_id=u.usr_id
AND (usr_premium_expire IS NULL OR usr_premium_expire < NOW())"
if $c->{dont_expire_premium};
AND (usr_premium_expire IS NULL OR usr_premium_expire < DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -30 DAY) )
if $c->{dont_expire_premium});
push @files, @$list;
Any comments suggestions will be appreciated