hi sisoft
i need help for installing xupload.
i'm a graphics guy and very new to php & sql
i guess i got all the permissions right - since i'm able to call upload_status.cgi but it only returns "transfer complete!" instantly - no matter how large the file is. i dont get the progressbar and nothing gets uploaded.
i use:
xupload 2.5 free
Perl version 5.8.3
my dir structure is like this:
/cgi-bin/xupload/*.cgi (for the xupload.cgi files)
/uploads (in the root dir)
/temp (in the root dir)
/uploadform.html (in the root dir)
my config file looks like this
--------------- cut here --------------------------
package XUploadConfig;
use Exporter;
@XUploadConfig::ISA = qw( Exporter );
@XUploadConfig::EXPORT = qw( $c );
our $c=
# Directory for temporary using files
temp_dir => '/temp',
# Directory for uploaded files
target_dir => '/uploads',
# Path to the template using for upload status window
templates_dir => '/cgi-bin/xupload/Templates',
# Allowed file extensions delimited with '|'
ext_allowed => 'jpg|jpeg|gif|png|rar|zip|mp3|avi|txt|csv',
# URL to send all input values from upload page
# This setting can be submitted from HTML form, then it will have priority
url_post => '/cgi-bin/xupload/post.cgi',
# The link to redirect after complete upload
# This setting can be submitted from HTML form, then it will have priority
redirect_link => 'http://www.oopsdigital.com/',
# Max length of uploaded filenames(without ext). Longer filenames will be cuted.
max_name_length => 64,
# Type of behavior when uploaded file already exist on disc. Available 3 modes: Rewrite/Rename/Warn
copy_mode => 'Rename',
# Maximum total upload size in Kbytes
max_upload_size => 700000000,
# Time to keep temp upload files on server, sec (24 hours = 86400 seconds)
temp_files_lifetime => 86400,
# CSS names
styles => { 'black' => 'black.css',
'hitech' => 'hi_tech.css',
'aqua' => 'aqua.css',
'tiny' => 'tiny.css',
'contrast'=> 'contrast.css',
# Template names
templates => { 'simple' => 'simple.html',
'hitech' => 'hitech.html',
'nice' => 'nice.html',
--------------- cut here --------------------------
hope you will help me
best regards
michael pointner
XUpload - xupload install problem
upload working
seams i got the upload working
changed temp_dir & target_dir to "/home/oops...."
seams that has fixed it.
but i still dont get the progressbar - still jumps to "transfer complete" instantly.
any ideas?
changed temp_dir & target_dir to "/home/oops...."
seams that has fixed it.
but i still dont get the progressbar - still jumps to "transfer complete" instantly.
any ideas?
I hade similar problems. You need to change also templates_dir.
My PM config looks like this:
Maybe an idea for the XUpload Developers. It is nowhere mentioned to use the absolute path here. I think it would help the users to add sample path in comments.
My PM config looks like this:
Code: Select all
our $c=
# Directory for temporary using files
temp_dir => '/var/www/web55/html/cgi-bin/uploadtemp',
# Directory for uploaded files
target_dir => '/var/www/web55/html/cgi-bin/uploadfinish',
# Path to the template using for upload status window
templates_dir => '/var/www/web55/html/cgi-bin/upload/Templates',
Maybe an idea for the XUpload Developers. It is nowhere mentioned to use the absolute path here. I think it would help the users to add sample path in comments.
This has been in a few posts on this forum and is probably caused by your server buffering the uploads.
I added a .htaccess file to the folder my XUpload cgi scripts are in as follows:
SetEnvIfNoCase Content-Type "^multipart/form-data;" "MODSEC_NOPOSTBUFFERING=Do not buffer file uploads"
This did the trick for me.
I added a .htaccess file to the folder my XUpload cgi scripts are in as follows:
SetEnvIfNoCase Content-Type "^multipart/form-data;" "MODSEC_NOPOSTBUFFERING=Do not buffer file uploads"
This did the trick for me.