2x Intel Xeon 5620
1GBPS port
heres my apache settings.
if i based it on google analytics. i have an average of 150-250 users online.fileetag: All
keepalive: Off
keepalivetimeout: 5
maxclients: 1000
maxkeepaliverequests: 100
maxrequestsperchild: 10000
maxspareservers: 10
minspareservers: 5
serverlimit: 1000
serversignature: Off
servertokens: ProductOnly
startservers: 5
timeout: 30
traceenable: Extended
PHP config
normal SSH (top -c)
The problem is there are times that the server stops on working no apache processess in the background. its just plain like this.
and then my xfilesharing website and cpanel/whm wont
load and so my embedded videos. I dont know how to trace
the problem and whats causing this. If you guys know please helpme.
usually the problems lasts for like 10 minutes and it
backs to normal on its own. those down times, its very important to me.
all advises are appreciated. sorry for my bad english.