XUpload - How can I do these? Need help for XUpload.

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Joined: Feb 20, 2008 9:18 am

How can I do these? Need help for XUpload.

#1 Postby contex » Feb 28, 2008 1:41 pm

I have few and going to have more customers uploading file to my server. Now I have problem figuring who upload what since everybody using same password and some just entered nonsense email like [email protected]....

I am having existing php login scripts so registered username, pw, email are in mysql. Upon login,
- how can I fill in EMAIL textbox in Xupload form with email from session in php?
- upon completion of file upload, how can email contain the proper email var pass from php?
- futhermore, how can username var from php appears in the email sent by emailconfirmation?

I think I've ask too much but I really need it up and running.
Thank you very much.