XFileSharing Pro - help me with the mod_fmanager

Posts: 3
Joined: Nov 30, 2012 3:12 am

help me with the mod_fmanager

#1 Postby GUSEPPE » Dec 03, 2012 10:02 pm

For again can someone help me with the mod_fmanager
That put the m_z = > 1, in what line of XFileConfig. am
And why don't I climb my whole files on the server when I use
The fmanager

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#2 Postby admin » Dec 05, 2012 10:20 am

If you want to get reply - you should clarify your question. That's quite hard to understand what do you want.

Posts: 3
Joined: Nov 30, 2012 3:12 am

#3 Postby GUSEPPE » Dec 05, 2012 1:15 pm

I bought the Desktop File Manager and file my written installation that must
To put the code m_z = > 1, XFileConfig pm file.
You put in what line of XFileConfig. pm;

and 1 more is the uploaded file size are smaller than original file size, so almost all the file that using uploader are corrupted