XFileSharing Pro - Server Setup

Posts: 2
Joined: Sep 27, 2013 2:59 pm

Server Setup

#1 Postby Unknownalias1xx » Sep 27, 2013 3:04 pm

Hello everyone, I am not new to the Forums. Just new to posting in the forums.

I have had some experience with Xfilesharing Pro, and have already created two sites with the software.

I have learned each time I make one how to make it better the next time. However, I still need to get better at the server side of things. I am familiar with hardware and requirements. But even those tough servers are no match for a surge in traffic.

I would like to know how to set up a server in the best fashion possible, is it just to have many servers so that the bandwidth is eased across many servers? Or is there ways to set up caching, fine tuning, or load balancing for downloads that I can do.

I am looking for professional recommendations and solutions, as I am terribly annoyed of getting "Server speeds are slow dude" from people even though the servers are good, and I have many.

What are some good options starting from scratch to look for? Thanks