iam trying to add adsense mobile ad unit it is in php(please find below code).in download.html file..please suggest me alternate way to add...just i want to display adsense mobile ad unit..please help me out
Thank you
$GLOBALS['google']['url']=read_global('HTTP_HOST') . read_global('REQUEST_URI');
$google_dt = time();
function read_global($var) {
return isset($_SERVER[$var]) ? $_SERVER[$var]: '';
function google_append_url(&$url, $param, $value) {
$url .= '&' . $param . '=' . urlencode($value);
function google_append_globals(&$url, $param) {
google_append_url($url, $param, $GLOBALS['google'][$param]);
function google_append_color(&$url, $param) {
global $google_dt;
$color_array = explode(',', $GLOBALS['google'][$param]);
google_append_url($url, $param,
$color_array[$google_dt % count($color_array)]);
function google_set_screen_res() {
$screen_res = read_global('HTTP_UA_PIXELS');
if ($screen_res == '') {
$screen_res = read_global('HTTP_X_UP_DEVCAP_SCREENPIXELS');
if ($screen_res == '') {
$screen_res = read_global('HTTP_X_JPHONE_DISPLAY');
$res_array = preg_split('/[x,*]/', $screen_res);
if (count($res_array) == 2) {
function google_set_muid() {
$muid = read_global('HTTP_X_DCMGUID');
if ($muid != '') {
$muid = read_global('HTTP_X_UP_SUBNO');
if ($muid != '') {
$muid = read_global('HTTP_X_JPHONE_UID');
if ($muid != '') {
$muid = read_global('HTTP_X_EM_UID');
if ($muid != '') {
function google_set_via_and_accept() {
$ua = read_global('HTTP_USER_AGENT');
if ($ua == '') {
function google_get_ad_url() {
$google_ad_url = 'http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/ads?';
google_append_url($google_ad_url, 'dt',
round(1000 * array_sum(explode(' ', microtime()))));
foreach ($GLOBALS['google'] as $param => $value) {
if (strpos($param, 'color_') === 0) {
google_append_color($google_ad_url, $param);
} else if (strpos($param, 'url') === 0) {
$google_scheme = ($GLOBALS['google']['https'] == 'on')
? 'https://' : 'http://';
google_append_url($google_ad_url, $param,
$google_scheme . $GLOBALS['google'][$param]);
} else {
google_append_globals($google_ad_url, $param);
return $google_ad_url;
$google_ad_handle = @fopen(google_get_ad_url(), 'r');
if ($google_ad_handle) {
while (!feof($google_ad_handle)) {
echo fread($google_ad_handle, 8192);
XFileSharing Pro - Adsense Mobile ad unit in xfilesharingpro
That won't work, since the script isn't in PHP, but uses Perl.
Instead of using the PHP Google Adsense Mobile Unit Code.
Go back to your google account
Get a new ad-code
Select "Responsive Ad Unit (BETA)"
You will get a Javascript code instead (.js), that mean the ad will resize depending user's device screen size (PC, tablet, phone, etc...)
Instead of using the PHP Google Adsense Mobile Unit Code.
Go back to your google account
Get a new ad-code
Select "Responsive Ad Unit (BETA)"
You will get a Javascript code instead (.js), that mean the ad will resize depending user's device screen size (PC, tablet, phone, etc...)