CommuniMail - Questions after installing

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Questions after installing

#1 Postby colin » Aug 25, 2006 12:00 am

Excellent programme, and many thanks for the installation. I'm still getting to grips with the features, and integrating it with my website. Here are some issues I need some help with:

1. I have installed a signup form on my website at After clicking "Subscribe" I am taken to ... signup.cgi
I would like to have this page in the same format as my website, with my own confirmation message text and without the link to the Communimail admin page. Is it possible to change the confirmation page? How?

2. I have changed some field titles on the signup form (not the field names), so that I can personalise an email with Dear %prefix%. However, the prefix field, which I have retitled First Name on the form seems to be limited to 4 characters, so any name entered is cut short. Can this be fixed?

3. After signing up I get an email with a link to click on which takes me to a plain webpage which says "Your account have been confirmed"
I'd like to be able to change this confirmation message, at least to correct the spelling (have should be has) but ideally to take the subscriber to a page on my website, with the same style and my own message etc.

4. In the admin pages I have set up two Signup forms. The Delete buttons are greyed out. How do I delete one I don't need?

Sorry about these continued requests for help Alex. I only hope that some may be useful for your ongoing development of Communimail.

Last edited by colin on Sep 20, 2006 9:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Questions after installing

#2 Postby admin » Aug 28, 2006 8:13 am

thanks for writting us.
colin wrote:Excellent programme, and many thanks for the installation. I'm still getting to grips with the features, and integrating it with my website. Here are some issues I need some help with:

1. I have installed a signup form on my website at After clicking "Subscribe" I am taken to
I would like to have this page in the same format as my website, with my own confirmation message text and without the link to the Communimail admin page. Is it possible to change the confirmation page? How?
You can customize "thank you page by editing template located in /templates/signup_conf.html
2. I have changed some field titles on the signup form (not the field names), so that I can personalise an email with Dear %prefix%. However, the prefix field, which I have retitled First Name on the form seems to be limited to 4 characters, so any name entered is cut short. Can this be fixed?
%prefix% - it's just prefix of person's name, e.g. Mr, Mrs, etc. In order to fetch names, you should use %name% tag.
3. After signing up I get an email with a link to click on which takes me to a plain webpage which says "Your account have been confirmed"
I'd like to be able to change this confirmation message, at least to correct the spelling (have should be has) but ideally to take the subscriber to a page on my website, with the same style and my own message etc.
You can customize autoresponder email when you edit signup form in interface. On the top window you see signup form and on the bottom - confirmation email.

4. In the admin pages I have set up two Signup forms. The Delete buttons are greyed out. How do I delete one I don't need?
Since signup form always tied to some mailing list, you can't just delete signup form (which automatically creates for mailing list). You should delete mailing list and signup form will disappear. However, you can create additional signup form and tie it to existing mailing list.

Sorry about these continued requests for help Alex. I only hope that some may be useful for your ongoing development of Communimail.

Let us know if you will have any more questions.

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Joined: Aug 24, 2006 11:54 pm

Names on database

#3 Postby colin » Aug 28, 2006 9:34 am

Many thanks for all the responses Alex.
1. Is it possible to have a forwarding piece of javascript in the confirmation page to, for example, a page created in the website for confirmation? Otherwise I'll have to experiment with ensuring the confirmation page has all the right formatting.
2. I really want to have people sign up with first name and last name seperately, so I can address emails as "Dear John", rather than "Dear John Smith". Are there any other database fields which are limited to the number of characters that can be entered? Alternatively, is it realtively easy to lift the limit on the %prefix% field?



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Re: Names on database

#4 Postby admin » Aug 28, 2006 9:59 am

colin wrote:Many thanks for all the responses Alex.
1. Is it possible to have a forwarding piece of javascript in the confirmation page to, for example, a page created in the website for confirmation? Otherwise I'll have to experiment with ensuring the confirmation page has all the right formatting.
2. I really want to have people sign up with first name and last name seperately, so I can address emails as "Dear John", rather than "Dear John Smith". Are there any other database fields which are limited to the number of characters that can be entered? Alternatively, is it realtively easy to lift the limit on the %prefix% field?


1. You simply can edit this html (templates/signup_conf.html) and make it look as you wish.
2. You can try to use %add_info1% parameter (and you should use it in your subscribe form as well).


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Re: Names on database

#5 Postby colin » Aug 28, 2006 10:07 am


2. You can try to use %add_info1% parameter (and you should use it in your subscribe form as well).


Thanks Alex,
As I thought, but is there a way of presenting this information in a different order when looking at the contact info in the control panel?
Otherwise, perhaps the feature of renaming the field names could be in a future version.

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Re: Names on database

#6 Postby admin » Aug 28, 2006 10:09 am

colin wrote: Thanks Alex,
As I thought, but is there a way of presenting this information in a different order when looking at the contact info in the control panel?
Otherwise, perhaps the feature of renaming the field names could be in a future version.
Better to make first name and last name separate.

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Re: Names on database

#7 Postby colin » Aug 29, 2006 5:01 pm

admin wrote:
Better to make first name and last name separate.
I quite agree. Will you be able to do this in the next version of Communimail Alex?