XFileSharing Pro - rapidshare leecher account question

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rapidshare leecher account question

#1 Postby Hendrickson » Jan 19, 2010 11:01 am

Hi have a question about the rapidshare leecher. When a user inputs there rapidshare user account and password in my_account. Does the script use there password and accoutn for the leech or does it continue to use the account marked in settings.

Because rapidshare limits our accounts to 5GB per day, users can bypass this with there account right?

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#2 Postby PilgrimX182 » Jan 19, 2010 4:41 pm

Login/pass from MyAccount form used in normal URL Upload form, not in Leech form. Also you can use RS premium login/pass directly in rapidshare links: http://login:[email protected]/....