XUpload - Seems to start uploading but then nothing happens

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Seems to start uploading but then nothing happens

#1 Postby tuiinteractivemedia » Feb 02, 2007 3:13 pm

I've installed the Pro version (2.4). When I upload a file with the right extension and click submit, the browser responds by changing the cursor, and the animation in the top right hand corner starts. After a few moments, and shorter time for smaller files, this stops again. Because it's shorter for smaller files, and because log.txt shows:

Code: Select all 2007-02-02 14:12:00 Starting upload. Size: 73174474                                                                                                        2007-02-02 14:12:09 MSG: Upload complete. Saving files...                                                                                                  2007-02-02 14:12:09 Upload stopped
I know the file must have been uploaded somewhere.

However there are two things that are totally strange:

1) Neither the progress bar nor anything else inside <div id="progress_bar"> (time spent, approx speed, etc.) shows, but my javascript console/log shows no errors.

2) the upload dir specified in the configuration file and on the web form itself are still empty.

what is likely to be happening? has anybody else had this problem? how do I fix?

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#2 Postby PilgrimX182 » Feb 05, 2007 7:09 am

Make sure you setted correct full paths in your config. If this is not a problem source, PM me URL to your upload_form.html, I will take a look.