For some reason when i upload a file the title tag of the file download page does not show numbers or dots, i guess it is sanitizing the title tag.
file uploaded: Papel de Parede Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2.jpg
title tag download page: Download Papel Parede Call Duty Modern Warfare jpg
url: http://www.seushare.com/7q62plz2hbua/Pa ... 2.jpg.html
As you can see on this example it does not show the number "2" on the title tag. I want it to have numbers and dots on title but not underline. How can I do that?
Thanks in advance
XFileSharing Pro - Title Tag Formatting
Title Tag
Thanks but it was not it! I figured it out myself!komi wrote:Turn of Sanitize filename under Files tab.
It was on index.cgi , on this line 622:
I changed from this:
Code: Select all
my @fn = grep{length($_)>2 && $_!~/(www|net|ddl)/i}split(/[\s\.]+/, $fname);
Code: Select all
my @fn = grep{length($_)>2 && $_!~/(www|net|ddl)/i}split(/\s\.]+/, $fname);
And now title tag works ok with numbers as well, but not with dots, which is ok for me!
Hope it helps someone else with same problem