XFileSharing Pro - Is my math correct PPD, PPS, MP

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Is my math correct PPD, PPS, MP

#1 Postby sib-fan87 » Dec 11, 2022 3:13 am

Can someone tell me if my math is correct?

Premium membership: $20
every 1000 downloads 10$
Webmasters 5% for every 1000 downloads = 0.50
Affiliates receive(referrals) 5% for every 1000 downloads = 0.50

PPD (Pay Per Download) 100%(10USD) 5% of sales(0.50) 5% of rebills(0.50)
PPD ( Pay Per Sale ) 100%(10USD) 5% of sales(0.50) 5% of rebills(0.50)
PPD ( Mixed plan ) 100%(10USD) 5% of sales(0.50) 5% of rebills(0.50)

"User A" got 1000 downloads(10USD) from the files he uploaded and the 1000 downloads came from his website(0.50) and he also got 1 referral "User B"
"User B" bought a membership(0.50) and then renewed his membership(0.50)

So "User A" would earn a total of $11.50

Is my math correct?