XFileSharing Pro - XFileSharing Pro on Cloud Server

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XFileSharing Pro on Cloud Server

#1 Postby jasonvitagen » Feb 06, 2010 4:57 pm

Is it possible to integrate XFileSharing Pro with a cloud server such as Amazon S3 or RackSpace?

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#2 Postby PilgrimX182 » Feb 08, 2010 8:38 am

Not sure any webmaster will like their prices. Just calulate how much you will pay for 1Tb space with 10Tb bandwidth.
It's MUCH cheaper to buy dedicated server with unmetered bandwidth so you won't get $**** dolla bill for bandwidth in the end of the month.

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#3 Postby GMC » Feb 09, 2010 12:38 am

I was quoted $2500 a month for my site from a cloud server

My dedis cost me under $500

I think I will stick with them for a while yet

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#4 Postby PowerChaos » Feb 09, 2010 4:42 am

well , i cant deny what they say

a dedi is a cheaper solution , specialy when you can go unmetered (is not always needed , not to start with)

a cloud server is not a good solutoin , its a system they use so you got multiple dedi's instead 1 dedicated

so if you need a lot of servers and if you are becoming like rapidshare is that maybe a solution

but it is expensive because they need to earn some money to off it

and like you know , you know how they make money ^^

so a dedi is a better and cheaper solution , only 1 downside on it , you need to take care of everything , settings , installs and so on
on a claud server is that not needed, thats pre configured

but to give a good example over vps servers

i can get a own dedi for .. $ 224,99 USD Monthly ?? ( QuadCore Q9300 8GB ram and 1TB hd and no traffic limit on a shared 100mb/s port )

http://boosterking.com is located on the same spects ( the download files then)

if i want it for a vps , so 8GB ram
then it cost me 400 $
then i got only 4TB traffic and 500GB hd

so if you calculate the difference , then i shal choose a dedi to :D
then a second reason and problem with claud servers
mostly they are shared resources like a vps
they are build up from a main server and then you get a part from it , so it can switch to a other part in case 1 part fails or when you want to upgrade

problem ?? well , speed is slow and cpu is not dedicated anymore (shared by more then 1 user)

if you are intrested (yea , bit promoting and taking the change :P)
i can offer you a dedi to ^^ ( http://getadedi.com )

Thank you
Greets From PowerChaos