Run your own file upload site like Rapidshare or MegaUpload with XFileSharing Free script.
XFileSharing Free script is simplified version of the
XFilesharing Pro file hosting script.
It can be installed on any virtual/shared or dedicated
hosting running Perl (most servers do). You can customize look and feel of your site with
just editing HTML files and can place banners, adsense or other type advertisement on
its pages.
XFileSharing works in all major browsers (Moz/FF, IE, Opera, Safari), and runs
on virtually any server, with no programming required. It's a single Perl script, and
most servers support Perl CGI scripts automatically; for the rare server that doesn't,
Perl can usually be easily added. If your site is more of a PHP site, don't worry:
XFileSharing will run just fine alongside your PHP scripts, and you can even integrate
it into your existing framework.
The only one thing you need to be sure is that your server is working on Linux and have Apache
as a web server. Had to say, that approx. 80% of hosting servers working on Linux and Apache.
- Perl higher than 5.005 version [http://www.perl.com/download.csp]
- MySQL database [http://www.mysql.com]
- Apache mod_rewrite module
- .htaccess files support [http://www.tutorio.com/tutorial/enable-mod-rewrite-on-apache]
- GD lib, GD perl mudule (Optional) [http://www.libgd.org/Downloads]