I have a question. I would like to add a new fileserver without subdomains, only with different folders like that:
Main Server:
File Server:
But I have problems with DNS settings
I have create two A records
domain.com IN A
domain.com IN A
How can I make it, thats load the htdocs from mainserver, how can I add fileserver without subdomain, can everybody help me please? best regards
XFileSharing Pro - add fileserver with different folders
ok file server works, but i get this error from main server, what means this error:
temp dir exist: OK
temp dir mkdir: OK
temp dir rmdir: OK
tmp dir exist: OK
tmp dir mkdir: OK
tmp dir rmdir: OK
upload dir exist: OK
upload dir mkdir: OK
upload dir rmdir: OK
htdocs dir exist: OK
htdocs dir mkdir: ERROR
htdocs dir symlink: ERROR
htdocs dir symlink del: ERROR
htdocs dir rmdir: ERROR
config read: OK
config write: OK
fs.cgi: OK
temp dir exist: OK
temp dir mkdir: OK
temp dir rmdir: OK
tmp dir exist: OK
tmp dir mkdir: OK
tmp dir rmdir: OK
upload dir exist: OK
upload dir mkdir: OK
upload dir rmdir: OK
htdocs dir exist: OK
htdocs dir mkdir: ERROR
htdocs dir symlink: ERROR
htdocs dir symlink del: ERROR
htdocs dir rmdir: ERROR
config read: OK
config write: OK
fs.cgi: OK