XUpload - Capture CGI Variables

Posts: 7
Joined: Jul 17, 2007 5:05 pm

Capture CGI Variables

#1 Postby navc83 » Sep 08, 2007 9:09 pm

Hi after the upload is complete it posts the output to post.cgi.

I was wandering if it was possible to capture these variables such as the filename and the status of the upload, and post them to PHP file so a function could be run on those variables.

I can see where in upload.cgi these variables are added to the array, but im not a Cgi expert so do not know how to filter them out of that array :(

Posts: 7
Joined: Jul 17, 2007 5:05 pm

#2 Postby navc83 » Sep 09, 2007 10:07 am

i've just purchased xupload pro 2.5 noticed it has a post.php file will play around with this see if it does the trick :D