I'm looking to incorporate something new in my xFilesharing Pro installation.
I'd like to display a message on the download page (where users can choose to download for free or as a premium user).
It is a message such as seen on www.wupload.com for example.
It shows the user an expected time of how long the download will take.
Now, I realise that these stats aren't accurate. But I imagine it is calculated in a specific way such and displayed differently for each file with a standard calculation.
I was wondering whether someone managed to incorporate this into their sharing site and was willing to share it here?
Thank you!
XFileSharing Pro - Display message "Free download take X long / Premium X
That would be fine, but how would you add the comparison for premium users?ChenB wrote:you can take the "Download speed" that you put in the settings and just edit the templates in just print the "File Size" / "Download speed" = the secs for done downloading ...
so if file size is 9 MB and you set the download 100 kb per sec so
9/0.100=90 secs
sorry for the english :\