Calling all persons whom have deep insight with regard this script, and experience in setting it up.
I have purchased the pro version. I understand that the admin will install for free, but i really want to learn how to install it correctly myself and also how to fix errors that are coming up.
I have installed the script on my webserver, i have a new fileserver and the script seems to have installed on their fine too.
I can upload files fine. Even remote upload works perfectly.
The problem is the downloading. I get the option to generate the download link. If i paste that link in the web browser then i get the options to download as a free user or premium. I click free user and it makes me wait, (seems i have to refresh that page to see the seconds count down)
However after i enter the capture. I get a file not found and redirected to the create a download link page??
I can see the file has been uploaded to the server but for some reason the download link is not connecting to that file?
What is going on with that, i have read 100's of threads here but can find no solution. Has anyone else had this error and if so how did they solve it??
I have not yet ordered the nginx mod this is apache only so far. On the server install i got all OK no errors.
thanks for any suggestions.