XFileMirror - Feature requests - Page 3

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#31 Postby admin » Nov 24, 2011 4:59 pm

qq_bbq wrote:When is the next version going to be released? What are some major features that are going to be included?
We're planning to release it in mid Dec.
At a glance, we're going to add:

- contact/abuse form
- upload speed / ETA
- maybe will add progress bar on "transload" page
- will add few more mirror plugins
- export function
- sitemap
- ability to append postfix (for ex. [www.yoursite.com]) to the end of the file name
- .....

That's not final list.

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#32 Postby FZee » Dec 27, 2011 4:00 am

admin wrote:
qq_bbq wrote:When is the next version going to be released? What are some major features that are going to be included?
We're planning to release it in mid Dec.
At a glance, we're going to add:

- contact/abuse form
- upload speed / ETA
- maybe will add progress bar on "transload" page
- will add few more mirror plugins
- export function
- sitemap
- ability to append postfix (for ex. [www.yoursite.com]) to the end of the file name
- .....

That's not final list.
I know you said mid-december you will be adding some features, this means script will be v.1.2 ?

Also when do you plan to release the 1.2 update? Because I'm actually going to purchase the script in January.

It would be easier to have a recent version before i do major custom work to it.


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#33 Postby admin » Dec 27, 2011 4:29 am

1.2 will be released in mid January.

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#34 Postby nik0la » Dec 27, 2011 6:30 pm

- rename files

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#35 Postby jaro » Dec 28, 2011 4:11 am

Better Member Area:

-Nick name / Alias
-Change Email adress

When ban User also ban Filehoster login data of them.

Because most user only use the service to upload there files but don't spread them.

So the next great feature would be a premium program so that we can sell premium accounts for our site.

There are many opportunities for such a program.

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#36 Postby Dulci » Dec 30, 2011 8:53 am

it would be great if we could turn it to leech script with a premium function. that people need to buy premium if they want to leech more then ... mb a day. something like this http://www.tigerleech.com/

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#37 Postby FZee » Dec 31, 2011 8:02 am

admin wrote:1.2 will be released in mid January.
Your response is appreciated, thanks!

I hope it comes earlier (..i'm not good with patience) :D

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#38 Postby jaro » Jan 11, 2012 4:42 am

Bug: Banned status doesn't work. Login and upload works...

User features:
*)Save selected Filehoster on upload site for members.. They have always to select them new after a upload.

*)Proxy: User can add own proxys to there account

Admin features:

*)Proxy test
To test direct a proxy for upload to a filehoster account without waiting time
(Waiting time from user uploads)

*Example for a premium service

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#39 Postby admin » Jan 13, 2012 7:18 am

You can get 1.2 version from your client area starting from today. Please be careful during upgrade, as it's not yet officially released (however, it was tested on our side). That will be better to backup everything including database before upgrading.

Please let us know if you will notice any problems.


! banned status fix
! "file not found" fix
! various security improvements
* auto temp cleaning improve
+ new template for "file not found" page
+ contact form with abuse feature
+ sitemap generation
+ export links
+ reset password in forgot password feature
+ upload speed and ETA
+ ability to append suffix to the file names
+ ability to append file name to the download link
+ ability to append .html to the file name (good for ads)

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#40 Postby Kiosaki » Jan 13, 2012 3:17 pm

Can you do\add plugin for adding own file uploading site with your script "http://sibsoft.net/xfilesharing.html" ?

I want buy two this scripts if you do this and make free some paid pluging for xfilemirror. I think it will be good for both - for clients and for sellers of this two scripts)

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#41 Postby jaro » Jan 15, 2012 6:33 am

Frist of all.. it seems upgrade worked fine

+ = good
- = bad
! = more infos pls
? = more ideas ;)

+ upgrade information is easy to understand
+ banned status fix worked
!ban: is it also possible to bann the filehoster login data of banned user?
Because its easy to make a new registration for banned user but much more work when they have to change all their filehoster login data too.
?ban: Information for "Ban reason"

- contact form with abuse feature

Code: Select all

Can't init GD perl module at Modules/SecImage.pm line 12.
=> http://www.sprezer.com/contact
- Seperat login and registration
- No Nickname or alias


Code: Select all

=> Error

Code: Select all

Software error:

Can't execute select: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(added) AS added, DATE_FORMAT(last_visited,'%b %e') AS last, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_visited) AS last_visited,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_check) AS lsc, code AS code1, INET_NTOA(ip) as ip_text
				FROM files 
				WHERE 1 
				AND owner = ARRAY(0x1c12730)
				ORDER BY added DESC
                                 LIMIT 90, 30
FUNCTION sprezer2_db.ARRAY does not exist at Modules/Session.pm line 112.

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Posts: 1841
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#42 Postby admin » Jan 16, 2012 7:58 am

jaro wrote: Bug?

Code: Select all

Can't init GD perl module at Modules/SecImage.pm line 12.
You need to install Perl GD module.

Code: Select all

=> Error

Code: Select all

Software error:

Can't execute select: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(added) AS added, DATE_FORMAT(last_visited,'%b %e') AS last, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_visited) AS last_visited,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_check) AS lsc, code AS code1, INET_NTOA(ip) as ip_text
				FROM files 
				WHERE 1 
				AND owner = ARRAY(0x1c12730)
				ORDER BY added DESC
                                 LIMIT 90, 30
FUNCTION sprezer2_db.ARRAY does not exist at Modules/Session.pm line 112.
Fixed, thanks.

Posts: 22
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#43 Postby neomon » Jan 17, 2012 3:25 pm

admin wrote:1.2 will be released in mid January.
its mid january :D

Posts: 40
Joined: Oct 24, 2011 7:38 pm

#44 Postby jaro » Jan 17, 2012 5:24 pm

admin wrote:
jaro wrote: Bug?

Code: Select all

Can't init GD perl module at Modules/SecImage.pm line 12.
You need to install Perl GD module.

Oh thanks. site loads but when try send "Expired session"

Pls try http://www.sprezer.com/

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Posts: 1841
Joined: Mar 22, 2006 12:32 pm

#45 Postby admin » Jan 19, 2012 7:36 am

jaro wrote: Oh thanks. site loads but when try send "Expired session"

Pls try http://www.sprezer.com/
As I see, no captcha is displayed. You need to:

1) Make sure that Perl GD is installed.
2) Make sure that you have "captchas" folder in document root of your site. It should have 666 permissions.